Saturday, November 6, 2010

Opening day of Pheasant...

I had a great day of hunting today! Started out by going to Flatbrook for pheasants. Went to the normal parking area and was surprised how few guys there were there. Not that there wasn't a lot of guys, but I expected more. Started out on the field with Greg and again, was surprised...not one bird to be found! There was little shooting for opening day. After the first field didn't work out we went across to the hill. Worked our way around and Bacci pointed us a cockbird that was tucked up under a log. He was a low flyer but I managed to get him. We continued on when at the end of the hill Bacci pointed another bird...a dead one. It was a freshly killed hen so Greg took her. We continued down and through the swamp. Bacci pointed another hen...but when she went up there was a tree between her and I...Greg shot but missed. I came around the tree but I missed as well. We continued on through the swamp and came to the end. We walked up the hill and as we walked along the ridgeline, we saw a hen bird about a mile up in a tree. We normally try to shake the bird out but this thing was so far up the tree there was no way. So I decided to take her. We continued on the hilltop. When Bacci saw a cockbird walking...he went to the bird and he took off. Sort of running, sort of flying...he did take off (but didn't want to)...Greg was able to get a shot off...I wasn't. We walked down the hill and towards the area that we thought the bird went. As we walked around I saw a hen, just walking around. We followed her waiting for Bacci to come in and point her. We tried to wrangle her towards a good shooting lane for Greg. When Bacci caught up to us she immediately flew and Greg shot her. It was a really fun opening day.

I then went to the Recycle (dump) to sit for deer. At around 4:30 ish, a button buck came in and started feeding under my feeder. I watched him for just about a half hour when my feeder went off. It scared the crap out of him and he took off. That was all I saw for the rest of the night. I'll hopefully be back at it on Tuesday.

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