Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Quick trip to Berkshire and then deer...

I went for a quick trip to Berkshire for birds this morning. I knew Greg was going and would meet him there but decided to leave the dog at home because there are usually a ton of guys there and they are all whackos. Well, as luck would have it, it wasn't crowded at all. I met up with Greg and we started in at the right of the first field. As we walked along he spotted a cockbird in a low tree. I decided that, because Greg spotted it first, I would get it out of the tree and he would get first shot. I threw a stick at it...and I could have sworn I heard him laugh at me! Another...and another...and another. Finally, on the last stick he flew...back over me and towards Greg. He shot first and missed...so I shot...missed...then Greg...then me. 4 shots and I watched the bird sail off towards the swamp where someone else quickly dispatched it. Lovely! Sometimes, waiting and planning is harder than just instincts. We continued along and within a few minutes, I heard some walking in the hedgerow...it didn't take long for a hen to get up and fly away. Neither one of us had a shot at her...again, she headed towards the swamp and we watched her fly away. We continued on and before heading back to the truck decided to go up the hillside and walk towards the trucks. Although it was a haul up the hill, we did see a hen when we got to the top. She was running away from us...and her legs were better than mine because I couldn't catch up. When she deemed that she was a safe distance from us she took off...she was right! She was safe.

I went to the tower for deer. It was a beautiful day!! At around 2:30 I saw a black blob in the distance. I quickly realized that a flock of turkeys were feeding toward me. I watched them until they walked off. At around 4:00, a deer appeared to my right. It was a small spike/button and he walked directly toward me and stopped under my stand. He actually started playing with my haul rope...licking it and playing with the carabiner at the end. He walked off and I saw nothing else. What a great day!

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