Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Two shots

I took off of work today. I was going to go after that buck that I saw. I headed out to the dump. By the time I dropped off Dani at school it was too late for a morning sit so I decided, with the rut starting up, that I would sit in the woods from 10 until about 1, which is what I did. I saw nothing, but it sure was beautiful out. I went to my truck and tried to take a nap...I think I may have fallen asleep briefly but I couldn't wait to get back in the woods. So, at 2:30 I got back in my tree. I moved down the hill about 40 yards so that my tree isn't up on the hillside...when you're up a tree that's up a hill it seems like you'r a mile in the air and I am never sitting comfortably.

At 4:00, from the bottom, I saw a buck coming towards me. I stood up, got my bow in hand and waited for him to come to me. He quickly closed the distance. He was either a six or and eight with the brow tines...couldn't really tell. I came to full draw while he walked behind a tree...he's at 35 yards and he stopped! He saw me and was trying to figure out what it was. He wasn't overly concerned and took another step. I only need him to take one or two more steps...he put his head up in the air...gave it a sniff...decided he didn't like it and then turned around and went back the same way he came.

4:45, that same guy that put up his stand 30 yards from me came walking in the woods. I saw him climbing a tree that was 50 yards from me. Well...I moved 40 and he was 50 from I guess I can't complain. Just about dark...but I don't want to get down until he does. I don't see so well in the dusk time so I don't mind getting down a minute or two early because I can't see well anyway. But I didn't want to mess him up. Just then...walking across the bottom of the hill I have movement to my left. A deer, I can see it's a buck but I don't know how big, passes through the branches to my left and right up to where my stand WAS. I was just about to get frustrated that I moved when he walked down the hill and right past 20 yards. I can see that he's a buck, but I can't tell how big. In this area, you have to make sure that he's got three points on one side so I didn't shoot. I was at full draw and he was stopped at 20 yards. I let up and let him walk...and he slowly walked around me. He headed out to the middle of the property and then I think I heard the other guy shoot...either that or he was making noise getting down from his stand because he didn't see the deer coming at him. Either way, the deer made a bunch of it was either taking off or going of the two. As i was getting out of the tree I kept looking for the other guy's light to see what he was doing but I never saw it. Not sure if that buck is alive or not.

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