Friday, September 30, 2011

Fastest post ever!

I left early today to hit the woods.  It is supposed to rain all weekend and I want to get out.  It's been hot and buggy but the weather is supposed to change this weekend.  I'm looking forward to it but it is starting to get windy.  I decided to go up to the tower and try it out.  I got to the woods and started in.  I had an idea where I wanted to go and I headed out.  I made my way to a tree, meandering around looking for the right one.  I hooked my stand onto the tree, tied my bow to the haul line and before I climbed in I saw a doe 20 yards away!    She looked at me and then kept feeding.  The rule is that you have to be in an elevated stand so I couldn't shoot her from the ground.  I knew she wouldn't hang around but I got into my stand...she didn't move?  I started to climb, slowly...each time she looked at me I stopped.  I managed to get about 10 or so feet up and started to haul my bow up.  She kept feeding.  I got the bow and nocked an arrow.  She started to walk towards me.  I didn't have my face mask or gloves even on yet!  As she got between me and my tree I drew back.  She stepped out at 15 yards away.  I made a noise...she stopped.  I held a little low and let the arrow fly.  She took off running and at 60 yards, I saw her crash.  I waited 30 minutes and got down.  I looked at my arrow and it had nice blood...there were spots of blood on the ground but not a lot.  When I got to her, I saw the the shot was perfectly behind the left shoulder and into the right.  I got my doe.

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