Saturday, September 29, 2012

Party time

Today was the first day of statewide bow hunting. Not that it affected me any differently, but I could now shoot a buck or a doe (if I went to the club).  In the cull, I still need to get two does before I can get a buck. I went to Briar today after Dani's softball games.  I got to the woods around 4:15, which was a little later than I would have liked but Jeannie was going to her Dad's so I had to stay with Dani and drop her off at home after the games.  When I pulled up to the spot I noticed a lot of cars on the street.  As it turns out, a house that was a few down the block was having a party.  Well, the entire time I was in the tree I heard this party.  I knew that it wouldn't bother the deer, but as is the case with cull programs, I was worried that if I did shoot a deer, it would run to the house and die in the middle of the party.  Not a great advertisement for hunting.

I convinced myself that I would only shoot a deer if it was walking in a direction that I felt it would run away from the party and not towards it.  As the day wore on, the dog walking lady from the last time came back.  She, and one other couple walking, were the only interruptions.  As 5:30 came around, a doe (or quite possibly a small button) came walking directly into my tree.  She kept a tree in between her and I for the whole time.  She stopped and looked up at me...and then ran under my tree and stopped to look back and then trotted off.  She wasn't snorting, so she knew that I was something, but wasn't sure what.  That was the only excitement for the night.  I feel a few days off of work coming on so I can spend more time in the woods.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Late at the club

Dani had two softball games in Kittatinny today.  I decided that I would go to the first one and then get to the woods.  Took me about 45 minutes to get to the club from the game, which ended at around 3:30 so I got up to the club and dressed by about 4:30ish.  It's a little later than I would have liked, but no problem.  I was the only one there which kind of surprised me.  I decided I would take my own stand and sit in the hedgerow that I got my first deer at (first deer at the club, that is).  It was sunny and quite warm.  I walked across the field and looked for a place to set up.  It's changed since the last time I was at that hedgerow and a tree was blocking the path of where I would hope the deer would come from.  It was thick in all directions and made that stand no good until I can get in there and do some clearing.  I walked my stand back to the truck, and by now I am sweating like a pig.  After dropping it off I walked back into the field and tucked myself into the hedgerow that I shot my turkey from.  I didn't go that far into the field however and at 5 I saw a buck and a doe trotting from the corner of the field over to the swamp.  I KNEW that I should have set up in the swamp!  I moved myself closer to the corner and tucked myself into the spot that I got my turkey at.  I saw nothing more and although it was hot, it was nice to be in the woods.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Nuttin butta coon.

I took the day off to hunt today.  It was a little warm but quite breezy (that's never good for me)...but I was going to get in the woods anyway and that is always good for me.  I decided to go to the tower and try my luck at that.  I didn't want to go back to the dump considering all I saw there was bucks.  I got in the woods at about 2:45.  It was beautiful, other than I hate the tree I was in.  It was a great location but the bark is tight and getting up and down can be a bit scary at times because the stand kind of "falls" a little. the title indicates, I saw nothing but a raccoon that came walking by me.  It was still wonderful to be out there.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Up to my eyeballs in bucks!

I decided that I wanted to leave work early today and get some woods time in.  It is a beautiful day, although a bit warm, but I know that I'm not going to be able to hunt tomorrow because Dani has a softball game and we're going to a party for Cindy.  It's her "good bye leg" party.  So I wanted to sit behind the dump today.  I left work at 3:30 and got in the woods around 4:10.  I was a bit sweaty when I got into the tree, but there was a little breeze to cool me off.  All was quiet until 4:45 when I saw a deer walking from "down the hill". I stood up and got ready only to see that it was a spike.  The spikes were tall and thin.  I could barely even tell it was a buck.  At 5:15, a deer walked from the field to my right, and down the hill.  I thought it was the same spike, but it was a different one with thicker horns.  Shortly after that, the original spike walked the same route.  It was about 10 minutes later when I noticed movement in the field again.  This time, I can see without a doubt that I was looking at a buck.  He was a nice, heavy horned 6 pointer.  He passed from the field and stopped at the tree that I ranged at 22 yards.  Stood there broadside.  I was shaking but still didn't have my doe.  He walked away down the hill.  A few minutes later, another buck.  This one had four points on one side and I couldn't quite make out the other side.  The rack was thinner, but still respectable.  He walked down the hill and away.  Two others came from the field and darted off...they actually went towards the apartments.  They seemed a little spooked but I can't tell what spooked them.

I waited until dark and it was time to get down.  I climbed down, happy in the fun, action filled night that I had.  I got to the bottom and wrapped up my stand and out of the corner of my eye I saw movement on the path.  It was a doe (I think)...but she was close.  20 yards away.  It was dark and I can't shoot from the ground anyway(not that I had my bow in my hand).  I "hid" behind my stand so I didn't spook the deer and as it walked by, in an attempt to scare it away and not get busted, I threw a stick near it.  Instead of running off it stood there looking at me.  Well that backfired.  I threw another stick...and then another.  I hid my movement behind the stand but instead of scaring it, she walked in the woods near me.  I squatted behind my stand as she walked away.  I got my bow, stand and tried to squat-walk out of the woods.  I didn't hear her snort so I think I managed to get out without spooking her.  What a fun day!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Grand Central Station...

I took off the afternoon today so that I can get back in the woods and take advantage of this spectacular weather.  It is clear and in the low 70's.  I was going to try a new spot, off of Briarcliff...but from now on I'll call it Grand Central.  Remember that I am hunting in a spot that is part of a cull program.  I set up in my tree at around 3:30.  It wasn't long after when I heard noise coming from behind me.  I turned to see someone riding a bike through the woods on the path.  No problem, he didn't ever see me.  A little while later I woman with two teenagers came walking down the same path.  When they passed me, the woman looked up and saw me and I waved.  She was startled so I said that I was sorry if I scared her.  She said that I did and then asked me not to shoot her.  (did she really just say that?) I promised her that I wouldn't and they walked on.  Not too much after that, I heard a bunch of boys somewhere behind my stand.  I turned and could vaguely see them...must have been 5 or so boys.  They did something, not sure what, for a while and then left.  Finally, a woman came walking behind me walking her two dogs...she stopped when she got even with my stand and then walked away.  There is no way in hell I'm going to see any deer!!

Around 6:00, i see movement coming from the top of the hill.  A turkey walks out from the hedgerow...putting...walks a circle and goes back to where it came from, putting the whole way.  What the hell?  I think I found what spooked it...a 4 point buck walks from the same uphill hedgerow and walks to within 20 yards of me.  I could have easily shot him.  I let him walk and just enjoy seeing him.  At around 7:00 I hear some movement from behind me.  As I slowly turned, I could see a doe, has to be 10 yards away from my tree, trying to make me out.  I froze and didn't move.  I am turned and could see her in my peripheral vision but I don't want to move to get my bow, and even if I did I couldn't turn to shoot.  After a few agonizing minutes, she walked around my tree.  That was my opportunity to get my bow.  There is a tree behind mine that is full of leaves so she couldn't see me.  If I could get my bow and she walk around the tree, I could have an easy chip shot.  She walked away instead.  I sat until it got dark.  As I made my way down the tree, a doe...I assume the same one...was in the path, watching me.  I froze mid-squat.  I sat there until she walked away.  I gave her a few more minutes to it's dark.  I get to the bottom of the tree and I heard her snort...dang!    I made my way to my truck...what a beautiful night.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Opening day was a washout...

Today was opening day for archery.  Despite the really hot temps I decided to hunt anyway and headed to the dump in the morning.  It wasn't too terrible, only around 70 something so I didn't even break a sweat on my way in.  I set up in my stand quickly and had a really nice post.  As soon as the sun came up I quickly remembered why I love this sport.  I saw nothing but some squirrels and then I had to leave at 9 to go see Dani's softball games.  As I was driving to the game it down-poured...heavy!  So much so that when I got to the field, they cancelled the games.  I checked the weather forecast and they were calling for severe storms in the afternoon, even had tornado warnings.  So I skipped afternoon post.  The season is long so I didn't feel like sitting through a tornado!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It's almost here!!

Saturday starts opening day for deer! A few new things this year...I got my new bow, so I'm going to put to the test. I've been shooting it really well...after my initial disaster. I know I didn't write about it, but when I first got the bow I was sighting it in and when I took a shot, missed the target and put an arrow through my central air conditioning line (cost me $300 to fix). So I've been nervous about shooting in the backyard so I've relegated myself to my club or the shooting range. I've been shooting 4 to 5 inch groups from 15 yards out to 35 yards.  The bow shoots nice.  Also new this year is that there is no deer check in stations.  It will probably cause a lot of guys to lie about what they get, but I'll of course report everything accurately.  You just have to call in a number...that's sweet!  Lastly, today, I registered for some new property.  It's in Hackettstown (actually Independence) but it's a Nature Preserve.  Not sure how it will be but I'll try it...take a look.  So, here's to opening day!!