Thursday, December 29, 2011

Slow day at the club...

I took the day off of work to see Gianna play basketball in the Holiday Tournament and then head up to the club with the muzzy.  The game was exciting and fun.  They won in overtime.  The club...much less exciting!  It was a very windy day...getting colder and there was nothing moving.  I went to the Cadillac and sat against the far wall.  I saw a squirrel and a raccoon.  That's it.  Was nice to sit in the woods, however.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Miserable day in the woods

It had the makings of a beautiful day.  The weather was great, only in the 50's although a little windy.  I went up to the tower.  At 2:30 two kids on ATV's drive by and went up the hill.  It was the same one from the last time.  At 3:30 they headed back down the hill...this time they saw me.  They weren't happy and as they passed they revved their engines and started talking loudly...I think they called me a hand job.  At 4:40, as it was prime time, a guy walking a dog skirted my perimeter until dark.  I have a funny feeling it was one of the same kids from the ATV or at least someone that the ATV kids told I was there.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Last day for Pheasant but the best day!

Due to the October snow storm damaging the Rockport Farms pheasant facilities and letting so many pheasants escape....either that or killed them...the state wasn't able to stock any more birds.  Needless to say, it was crowded.  Greg didn't show up, so Dani and I started out on the first field.  We walked to the back and I was able to shoot a bit...again, missing a whole lot!  Bacci, at one point, must have been frustrated with me as well because a bird went up, I shot and Bacci took off after it.  I called and called and called for him to come back but he didn't.  Then, he made his way back with a bird.  Someone else shot the bird that he put up that I missed so he took their bird and brought it back to me.  Well I took it from him and gave it back and continued on.  More birds, more missing.  We doubled back and went up the hill and then over.  Dani and I worked the field on the other side of the field and while we were, there was a guy working a bird so she and I hurried along.  The bird went up and they got it.  Then they put up another that flew into the hedgerow and landed in the tree.  The guy next to it said that he had all his birds.  Dani and I continued to walk down the field and they must have hit a hole with 4 birds in it because they all busted.  One of them flew right towards us and I got him.  The guys all moved on and I asked Dani if she wanted to shoot a bird.  She did so we walked to where the bird landed in the tree.  I saw it but if she got it I wasn't sure how to get at it so I told her we would walk to the other side and if it was still there she should shoot it.  We got to the other side and found the bird.  I can get to it from this side so I went over some last minute safety stuff and how to do it.  She lined up the shot and bang the bird fell.  Dani was so excited she didn't know what to do.  I went in the hedge to get the bird and brought it back out to a gleaming kid!  She was thrilled and I was happy and proud.  We made our way back to the truck and on the way back Bacci found a wounded bird.  He tracked her down and killed her.  So I took her but on the way back to the truck I decided that I didn't want to get caught with an extra bird so I set it down besides a tree.  On the way home I got a call from the Division of Fish and Game...I had a heart attack.  I thought, how in the world did they know that I let Dani shoot a bird or that I took an extra (which I left and didn't take).  He was actually calling because someone lost their gun, saw my truck and thought I may have found it so they called the division.  What an awesome last day of that I'll never forget.  Here's a picture of Dani with her first pheasant ever!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Foxy day...

Went up to the club for the last day of 6-day.  I first texted Tony to see if they drove the club in the morning and he said that they didn't, that they just did it on Tuesday.  I got to the club and I was alone (which is always nice). I decided to sit in the field of 10.  While I was sitting there, with about 2 hours of light left, a fox came from the 10 side and walked right towards me.  It got across the field from me and headed into the middle.  It walked around there for a little bit and then started stalking...then suddenly it pounced on something and ate it.  Then it sat in the middle of the field and just took a nap.  I sat there watching it for a good half hour until, from the corner of my eye I saw movement.  It was another fox, talking the same route.  It walked right towards me as well and this one decided to chill out right in front of me, literally about 20 yards away.  It was great to watch.  I didn't see any deer this day but I loved hanging there with my fox friends.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Had to call the cops...

I went up to the tower today.  It was a beautiful day and I hoping that during 6 day gun season that I would be able to have the woods to myself thinking everyone else would be out with the gun.  I got in my stand and at around 2:30 I heard a quad.  There were two guys and they rode right under my stand and went up the hill.  They were in camo and carrying a shotgun on the front.  They aren't allowed to do that.  At around 3:30 i had a beautiful coyote walk right under me.  Then a little while later a fox walked by me to the other side.  Somewhere around 4:00 I heard a gunshot up into the mountain.  Those damned ATV kids.  Right before dark I had a really nice buck walk to within 80 yards from me but he never came close enough.  After I got out of my stand and back into my truck I called Dan Gallagher of the MP police and let him know about these guys.  He said that he's heard of complaints about them before (but apparently didn't care too much)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

I forgot!

I was going to go down south today and go hunting with Danny for quail but he had to work.  Instead I went up to Flatbrook for pheasants.  I got my stuff together and headed out.  It usually takes me about an hour and ten minutes to get there.  I was about half-way there when I realized that I left my gun at home!!  So I turned around and back home I went.  Well, by the time I got back to the Flatbrook it was already passed starting time.  Everyone was already in the woods.  I went through the first field and then to the end of the second.  I decided to turn around and head a different direction.  When I was halfway through the field I heard my name.  It was Greg and Amil.  I hooked up with them and started to walk back towards the trucks.  We were on the edge of the swamp with Amil's dog, Harley in the swamp edge and Bacci in the edge of the field.  About 3/4 of the way through Bacci locked on point.  I went down to him and he had a hen pinned down.  As I approached she took off and I got her.  Wonderful!  We all headed back towards the trucks and then up the hill behind the parking lot.  It was now about 45 minutes since starting time.  As we got to the top of the hill Harley flushed a cock bird and Amil got it.  Separated only by about one minute, Bacci went on point and as we approached a hen took off.  She flew to my left and rather than turning, I only turned my body and I missed.  Greg, behind me, also missed.  We continued on through all the fields, further than I had in a while.  When we were quite a way down, Bacci went on point near the edge of a hedgerow.  I approached and saw the cock bird tucked in.  I circled around behind to try and force it to fly towards the field and Greg did the same.  Amil stayed in the field.  The bird took off and Greg shot first and missed, I shot the second one and he folded.  We continued through the fields for a while.  We walked the hill near the trucks on the way back and just as we were coming back to the truck, a cock bird took off from the top of the hill and Greg got him.  We all limited out (Amil more than just limited out).  It was one of the funnest days pheasant hunting that I can remember and it started with me forgetting my gun and starting late!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Opening day muzzy 2011

Not a lot of excitement for opening day.  Went in the morning to sit at 10 (well, the hedgerow of 10) and saw nothing.  In the afternoon I went to the Cadillac...nothing.  Beautiful, warm day though and I really loved being there.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bang! Bang! Done!

I'm getting back on track!  Lined up next to the old man again.  Told him and his son exactly which way I would be going.  Went in and started down the field...first bird, missed.  Walked a little further, second bird...missed.  Argh!  Bacci started chasing after the second bird so I stopped and called for him.  When I got him back to me and started to walk I saw that the old man was in front of me.  I yelled at him to not start next to me anymore.  He cut me off...he yelled something back and I told him after stealing my bird last time, now cutting me off I don't want him near me anymore.  I turned to head back into the field.  Bacci immediately went on point (right where the guy was walking) and put up a hen, bang!  got her!  FINALLY!!  We literally went another 10 yards and bacci put up a cockbird...bang, got him!  It has been 10 minutes and now I'm done for the day.  It was fun but I wanted more!  So Dani and I did a little caching.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Getting a little better with shooting!  This time we didn't find as many birds.  I did shoot one when we first walked in but some old guy ran to the bird and picked it up.  I said thank you but he asked me to put it in his bag.  I said what for and he said, because he shot it.  I was dumbfounded and said, are you sure?  You didn't even shoot.  He said yes so i told him to check his gun because I'm sure it's cold and I walked away.  Me and Greg both shot the second bird we saw and then Greg got one.  So he had two and I had none...of course, I had one that the old guy took and the one that me and Greg shot.  Oh well...I still had fun.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I can't shoot!

I'm writing this very much after the fact so I don't remember all the details but I do know that we put up 7 birds and got one!  Me and Greg suck this year!

Friday, November 18, 2011

A little button

Got into the woods around 1:30 at the recycling center.  Just before dark a button buck came from the road's side and stayed under my stand.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bat outta hell

Went to Mountain way and I didn't see anything for almost the whole time.  Around when it was starting to get dusk, a quad came rolling up behind me but quickly went back down the hill and gone.  Then, just before dark, I buck was chasing a doe and they were running like their butts were on fire.  I heard him grunting the whole way, it was about a hundred yards up the hill.  Then nothing else.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Opening day of Pheasant 2011

Today was a gorgeous day!  I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to walk very long or "hard" but I managed to make it for the day.  Dani came along with me today.  We got to our spot and Greg was there.  After talking to him about deer hunting we got our stuff together and lined up at the road.  When 8:00 came we started in and holy crap...there were birds EVERYWHERE.  It was actually too much...too crazy too fast.  Many of the birds all went up at the same time and many were low, close and near the road or other people so it wasn't really productive.  We walked toward the back and Greg managed to get one.  After that we turned and went across the road to the hill.  While working around Bacci locked on point.  It was a tucked in hen bird and bacci was solid as a rock.  She flushed straight up and I got her.  A little while later we were working around to the big hill and I saw a bird fly into the edge of the swamp that we just came from so we went back.  We went to where I saw the bird fly in but apparently it landed and ran back across the path into the hedgerow.  Bacci went in the hedge and held point.  I couldn't get to the bird so we waited the stand off out with bacci and the bird...eventually the bird took off and both greg and I shot...I think we both him him.  We couldnt' find him right away so we went into the swampy area and while we were looking we heard bacci and some flapping wings...bacci found and subdued the bird.  All in all it was a fantastic day bird hunting.  On the way home, Dani and I did a little caching and had a great time.

Opening day of Pheasant 2011

Today was a gorgeous day!  I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to walk very long or "hard" but I managed to make it for the day.  Dani came along with me today.  We got to our spot and Greg was there.  After talking to him about deer hunting we got our stuff together and lined up at the road.  When 8:00 came we started in and holy crap...there were birds EVERYWHERE.  It was actually too much...too crazy too fast.  Many of the birds all went up at the same time and many were low, close and near the road or other people so it wasn't really productive.  We walked toward the back and Greg managed to get one.  After that we turned and went across the road to the hill.  While working around Bacci locked on point.  It was a tucked in hen bird and bacci was solid as a rock.  She flushed straight up and I got her.  A little while later we were working around to the big hill and I saw a bird fly into the edge of the swamp that we just came from so we went back.  We went to where I saw the bird fly in but apparently it landed and ran back across the path into the hedgerow.  Bacci went in the hedge and held point.  I couldn't get to the bird so we waited the stand off out with bacci and the bird...eventually the bird took off and both greg and I shot...I think we both him him.  We couldnt' find him right away so we went into the swampy area and while we were looking we heard bacci and some flapping wings...bacci found and subdued the bird.  All in all it was a fantastic day bird hunting.  On the way home, Dani and I did a little caching and had a great time.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Rut is what?

I thought that the rutt would be in full swing and I was excited to take the day off of work and head to the woods.  I went to the tower and sat from about 1pm until sundown.  I saw nothing but a fox and a whole crap load of squirrels.  When I got out of the woods I met up with that guy "Bill" Brodeur.  He said that he's been going a lot and has seen nothing.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Youth Day Pheasant

What a rewarding day!!  Danny has been trying to get me to do the youth day pheasant hunt with him for years and this year, I finally decided to do it.  It was a beautiful morning, sunny and slightly chilly.  I made the long drive down to Colliers Mills and got there early.  As the kids and other guides starting filtering in it ended up with more people that I was anticipating.  There was a nice crowd and I have to say, the state did a nice job (aside from being very disorganized in the beginning).  Danny and I were teamed up with six boys between 12 and 14 years old and one other assistant (without a dog).  We got our field assignment and went out.  The way we ran it was, we would stock two birds in the field and then hunt them up with one of the dogs and three kids.  Then we would stock two more and trade out dogs.  The looks on the face of these kids was priceless.  Especially the last little imp of a boy.  For the life of me I can't think of his name...but on the last bird that we had, he was able to get the shot off and the bird went down.  He could barely hold the gun but when that bird went down his smile was as wide and as bright as I would have ever seen.  Made the entire day worth it.  I will definitively be doing that again next year!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Well...sort of.  I took the day off of work today.  Now that my back is feeling better after getting my epidural shot, I was bound and determined to get back in the woods.  The weather was just outstanding...mid 50's to lower 60's.  Sunny and slightly breezy.  I decided to go to the recycling center.  I didn't really expect to see anything there but wanted to go someplace easy just in case I had a hard time getting in or out of the tree.  I went closer to the road than my stand and feeder.  It's been where I have seen deer crossing.  I got up the tree without a problem and sat.

Around 5:50, it was just starting to get dark and I heard some movement coming from the recycle side.  Suddenly a spike came fast walking (almost running...say trotting) by.  Followed by a doe.  I thought, "how funny, the does are chasing the bucks".  Then I thought...wait a minute...what would cause this?  I stood up because I knew what was next.  Just then, I saw 4 bucks.  The first two made their way towards me.  The first one was a small 6 point...had 4 on one side and two on the other.  The second was a 4 pointer.  I was thinking of taking the first one but he was kind of scraggly.  I thought, it was just the beginning of the rut...I just started back into the woods and I didn't see the other two in the group.  The third was a 5 pointer but one...kept just out of sight.  I was convinced he was the big boy.  Well, the 6 and the 4 stood by my stand for about 5 minutes...then walked to 30 yards and had a fight.  Then they walked away.  I never did see the last hidden one.  I climbed down, with no problems, and really enjoyed the night!  I can't wait to go out again.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Worst day ever...

I left early from work to get into the tree.  Went behind the recycling center.  I hadn't been there in a little while and thought that I might be able to see a buck there.  I got to my spot around 2:30 and noticed from down the hill that there were two deer walking in at the same time as me.  I put my stand in the tree...i could barely get in it because my back hurt so much.  I finally did get in and couldn't get the stand to climb up the tree.  My legs just couldn't pull the bottom up.  I decided that I needed a smaller diameter tree.  I found one a little closer to the road and I put my stand on.  Again I had a hard time getting into the stand and I fought to get the stand up the tree.  I didn't go too high because I just couldn't move it any more.  I sat there until dark...I did see one doe closer to the path at almost dark.  Now for the climb down.  It was nearly impossible.  It was so painful I honestly thought I was going to get stuck in the tree.  I did get down (obviously) but the pain it caused in my back is tremendous and now my right leg is numb.  I think my hunting days are done for a while.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Fastest post ever!

I left early today to hit the woods.  It is supposed to rain all weekend and I want to get out.  It's been hot and buggy but the weather is supposed to change this weekend.  I'm looking forward to it but it is starting to get windy.  I decided to go up to the tower and try it out.  I got to the woods and started in.  I had an idea where I wanted to go and I headed out.  I made my way to a tree, meandering around looking for the right one.  I hooked my stand onto the tree, tied my bow to the haul line and before I climbed in I saw a doe 20 yards away!    She looked at me and then kept feeding.  The rule is that you have to be in an elevated stand so I couldn't shoot her from the ground.  I knew she wouldn't hang around but I got into my stand...she didn't move?  I started to climb, slowly...each time she looked at me I stopped.  I managed to get about 10 or so feet up and started to haul my bow up.  She kept feeding.  I got the bow and nocked an arrow.  She started to walk towards me.  I didn't have my face mask or gloves even on yet!  As she got between me and my tree I drew back.  She stepped out at 15 yards away.  I made a noise...she stopped.  I held a little low and let the arrow fly.  She took off running and at 60 yards, I saw her crash.  I waited 30 minutes and got down.  I looked at my arrow and it had nice blood...there were spots of blood on the ground but not a lot.  When I got to her, I saw the the shot was perfectly behind the left shoulder and into the right.  I got my doe.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

It's a hot, sticky night...

After sitting at softball today I decided to head out to the woods.  It's hot, damp, sticky and i just KNOW it's going to be buggy.  I decided that I wanted to sit behind my company because I'll have the thermacell cranking and I didn't want to mess up the other spot.  I drove to work, got dressed in the lot and then drove around to where I would park.  I noticed that there was a guy up the tree in the corner...I didn't want to mess him up so I decided to move to another spot.  Back to the dump.  Instead of going all the way in, however, I wanted to try a little closer.  That's where I've been seeing all the deer go.  I found a tree and started to climb.  I also started to sweat...profusely.  I got up and just as I hit the top, bang, I dropped my thermacell.  I may be able to make it with dropping some things, but tonight, the thermacell isn't one of them.  Down I go.  I got it and climbed again.  Now I'm sweating so much...and the skeeters and attacking me.  As soon as I settled I put on the the thermacell.  That thing is sure kept the bugs at bay.    Once I did get up I realized that I was in a gully, so even though I climbed up about 15 feet, I was a lot lower on the high sides of the hills surrounding me.  I could move, but that would require me to get down and up way!

I sat for a while and saw nothing.   As i scanned the woods my right eye kept twitching.  It's hard to look around the woods with a twitching eye!  Then, just about at dusk, a doe and fawn (same one from last week) came walking in the woods from the field/path headed right towards me.  I couldn't move too much because they were looking right in my direction and from where they were, I was hardly off the ground.  I was unsure whether or not I would even shoot because she had her baby with her.  She is limping since last maybe.  They walk to my right and the only broadside shot that she presented me was with the "yard" on the other side of her.  That made me uncomfortable to take that shot.  Then she walked behind me and gone.  I wasn't really set up for the shot anyway (she was walking with purpose, not just meandering).  Could I have made a shot?  Maybe...but I'm glad on this hot, sticky, buggy day to not take a risk at shooting in an unsafe direction.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Getting better...

Went back to the Recycle and this time I took my climber.  I only set up 17 yards away from the ladder stand but I was hopeful that this would be better.  I got to the woods around 2:30 after being at Dani's softball games. I sat for a short time, until around 3:30 and a doe came walking down the hill from the old stand sight.  As she walked down the hill towards me I stood up and it wasn't too bad with the pain.  I let her come to within 25 yards of me.  She was almost right next to my ladder stand but still through the trees.  I couldn't quite get off a the old saying goes, just a few more steps.  Well, she looked in my direction...not necessarily at me, but decided she didn't like something and she turned and started walking up the hill again.  About halfway up she walked towards the front of the property and then away.  All in all, it was a really nice post...beautiful weather, minimalized pain and saw deer.  Maybe I'm on my way back to liking this again.

Friday, September 16, 2011

First time out, I guess...

If you don't count the hour of skeeter swattin from last Saturday this is my first real post.  I left work early and went to the recycling center.  I climbed my ladder stand at around 2:45, sat down and started to get ready (put on my face mask, gloves, etc) and I saw a deer to my right.  I stood and prepared without gloves or a face mask.  The doe walked the other way but man, it was really painful to stand there.  Over the next few hours I would see several deer including a doe that decided to nap 40 yards from me from 4:00 to 5:30.  Then, up on the "field" I saw a bachelor group of 4 pretty nice looking bucks.  Nothing came close enough for a shot but there are deer there.  I don't know if I'm going to go back into the ladder stand anymore.  First of all I don't feel secure in it, but secondly, standing is painful.  In my climber I can stand and lean against a tree.  I'm hoping that was quite disappointing to be in so much pain just from standing there.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Opening day of bow

It's opening day of bow...and for some reason, I'm not really excited.  I don't know why...maybe it's my back that's bringing me down, maybe it's the hot temps...not sure what.  I'm going out on opening day though.  So I decided to go to the recycling center.  I had a week earlier gone there with Jeannie and Dani to put up a ladder stand (which is a story in and of itself).  I got to the woods and in the stand at approximately 5:30am and WHAM!  The mosquitoes start attacking me!  They are brutal.  By 6:30 I can't take it anymore, I have to leave. I climb down and go to Daniella's softball game.  Then it starts getting really hot...the thought of the mosquitoes and the heat are certainly not making me want to go I don't.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ok, this thing is just too much fun...

I went to pull my camera today.  I left it sitting behind the dump for 5 days.  I only got 4 pictures, and they were all, I think, of the same little deer.  I don't know what I'm learning right now...but it's so fun.  Here's one of the pictures that I got.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

New Trail Cam!!

Oh how fun!!!  I got a new trail camera for Father's Day and finally got a chance to put it out.  I put it in the Recycling Center spot, right on the tree that I'm planning on putting my ladder stand.  I let it sit for two days (but only because I wasn't able to get it yesterday or I would have!) I think I was just as nervous about losing it as I was excited to see if it took any pictures.  The one time that I did visit the spot to see if I can put up a ladder there, I noticed those made from an ATV so I was nervous.  I picked it up today and, to my delight and surprise, there were 8 pictures.  One of the deer on the pictures actually had horn!  I'm going to put it back out tomorrow...and hopefully be able to leave it there for a while...and it still be there.  Here's one of the pics from today.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Back at the Thunder Chickens...

I had a few hours to go at the turkeys again today.  I knew I couldn't be out long but wanted to hit the woods again.  I got set up by 5:30 in the same spot that I got the turkey last week.  After some calls and about an hour and a half it was time to move.  I went to the other side of the field and called for a bit...then across the property to the top of the hill (where I put my ground blind in two years ago).  I saw a hen on the side of the pit and when she saw me she took off.  I got to the top of the hill and called...then, not responding to my call, from the bottom of the hill I heard a gobble.  I backed out and ran down to the bottom of the hill, trying to get closer.  When I got to the bottom I heard him gobble again...he was closer but he sounded like he was on the other side of the river. I set up and called a little bit.  He came back.  I thought it was on!!  Unfortunately, he decided that he didn't like me anymore and she shut up.  I didn't hear or see him again.  I sat there for about 45 minutes and I was just about to get up and I heard gobbling from up the hill (where I just was).  I called a bit but he had no interest in coming in.  I had to leave now, I had to get to Gianna's game.  I got my stuff in my truck and went to leave.  As I approached the gate to open it, I saw two turkeys in the field to my right, just on the other side of the hedgerow.  As I pulled up and stopped, I heard him gobble at my truck ...he was mocking me!!  I got out to take a look, and sneaked (with no camo on) to the side of the dirt road in the gully, I could see him on the other side of the hedgerow but wasn't sure if it was a gobbler or a hen as he wasn't facing me.  He walked out of sight and then I saw a hen with him.  I tried to give a call but he wasn't interested, and I left...i'll get back there again this season I hope!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Holy Crap!! Turkey down!!!!

Went out again for turkey's today.  It was a beautiful, chilly morning.  It stormed like a son of a gun yesterday so I was hoping it would turn the birds on today.  I went back to the big field and tucked myself into the brush.  I started by calling lightly on a slate...nothing.  After a while I started softly on my glass call...nothing.  I didn't hear a gobble at all.  I sat from 5:30 until 6:45 without hearing anything.  I won't lie, I was starting to think that I wasn't going to hear anything this season.  Then, a truck pulled up to the weigh station...The noise of the truck alllllmost make me think I heard a bird...not a gobble, but something.  But I figured I was nuts...about 10 minutes, the truck was still at the station and I heard a gobble that made me pee was right in the railroad bed.  I called and he answered back...I waited a few minutes and called again.  He answered back but was it from further away?  Is he going the other way down the railroad bed?!  NO!!!  Just then...he must have been at the edge of the field because he gobbled and it made my hair stand on end.  He was close!  I waited...and put up my gun aiming out in front of me.  I had my decoy about 25 yards in front of me...I managed to peek through the bush that I was up against and saw not one, but two gobblers coming into my decoy.  They walked toward her and then stopped just out of my sight.  I could see them both through the brush.  All of a sudden the truck that was at the station pulled up the road.  The birds didn't like that...and they turned to walk back into the woods.  I knew that I didn't have much of a choice so I took my gun, stuck it through a hole in the bush and when the second bird walked through the little opening, at 6:50, I shot.  He went down and the other bird ran off.  I GOT MY FIRST BIRD!!!!  I dropped my gun, my call and ran to the bird.  I couldn't believe it!! Best day ever!  When I got home I went fishing in my kayak and caught a bass...and then I'm going to the Yankee game with Gianna.  Life is so good!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day two of turkey

Well, if it worked for Jeff maybe it would work for me?!  I started in the big field today.  The weather was just beautiful...started out foggy and warm but soon the sun broke through and it was just an unbelievably beautiful day.  I didn't hear a peep or gobble anywhere!  After sitting in the big field for two hours I decided to get up and pick around the property...calling in random spots.  Nothing at all.  I'll be back out again on Friday.  Hopefully the calling picks up again.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Opening day of Turkey

I went to the club and pulled into the parking area to find another car there.  So I decided to start this morning out at the Cadillac side of the club.  I got in the woods just before light.  Once it got light I started some soft calling.  I didn't hear a gobble until about 7am.  It sounded far.  Then another gobble 15 minutes later...this one sounded closer but didn't sound like it was coming to me.  Well, I guess it wasn't...because at 7:30 I heard a shot.  I got out of the woods and went to the parking area to find Jeff and his big gobbler.  He set up in the big field.  Jeff did say that he saw a bunch of turkey's there last week.  So, he left and I picked around the property...calling in various places and setting up for a time.  I heard nothing the rest of the day.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Down to the wire...

It's getting close to the end of the season. Went to the club today...was really disappointed when I got there, though. I tried to get to the Cadillac stand but I couldn't drive up that way. The snow was still too deep for my truck. So I went to the other side of the property, I figured I would walk in from the other way. I got all dressed and started to walk but honestly, it was like sort of skating on ice. There was a thick crust on the snow that would either not break and I was falling all over the place (can't walk up hill on ice) or it would break and I would sink suddenly in the snow. I quickly decided I couldn't make it to the Caddy from I went to the big field. I went to the stand but it didn't look the legs rusted out. Also the brush had grown up higher and sort of blocked shot lanes anyway. I decided to make the drive to MP instead. I went to the recycling, but I didn't see tracks, no deer, no nuthin. It was a nice sit anyway.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Last day of Muzzy

Went to the club today. I was going to sit at the field on 10 but when I walked up there I saw no tracks in the snow...I walked to the swamp field and noticed a few tracks leading from the road to the back corner so I decided to set up in the hedgerow in that field. I also happen to notice that someone's riding a snow mobile all around...whatever! I didn't see anything but it was a nice sit none the less.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Break in the weather....

It was such a beautiful day today I just had to hit the woods. I wanted to go up to the club yesterday but it was raining and the temperature was just near freezing. I was actually afraid to drive up to the club and to slide all the way home so I decided to just attend the three basketball games (2 for Gianna and 1 for Dani). Well, today was a different was around 40ish and sunny. Just outstanding. I decided to go up to the tower. It's Superbowl Sunday so I'm sure I'll be alone...WRONG. I was walking to the tree that I was in last time and on my way I saw that someone hung a stand about 50 yards from where I was planning on going. I decided that I would stay there I said, it's Superbowl Sunday. Well, I just about got settled in and I saw the other guy walking into the woods. I waved to him and then he and I stared at each other from 63 yards away all night. Didn't see anything but two foxes anyway.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Baby, it's cold outside...

Decided to head up to the club tonight for some muzzy. I went to the Cadillac again in hopes that I can get into a better position if those does decided to show back up. I tucked myself into the "turkey blowdown". It was cold...only in the teens. My eyelashes were forming little icicles. I didn't see a thing but it was really nice out. a thought came to me, however...I spend hours in the woods and when I tell people, they, that must be so relaxing. There is nothing relaxing about it. I mean,'s peaceful and I would die without it, but not relaxing. From the moment I enter the woods, I am constantly scanning...trying to look 360 degrees without moving a muscle. Looking for a flicker of a tail...a turn of an ear. Scanning so hard to see even the slightest movement that you notice every leaf that moves slightly in the breeze...every bug, every creature that moves. You strain your ears too, to hear every sound on the chance that a deer is sneaking by. You can hear a tree creek, a leaf hit the ground...I love the sound that a flock of birds make when they fly hear the wings beating the wind. It's so quiet sometimes that all you can hear is your heart in your ears. So...beautiful and wonderful? Unquestionably yes! Relaxing? Not so much. lol

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I just knew it!

I went to the tower today and I just knew I wasn't going to see anything...I was right. The weather was great...chilly and mostly sunny. There is a front coming in tomorrow, which would normally indicate that I'll have a good night, so why did I know that I wasn't going to see anything? Well, last night, I went to go pick up Gianna from the bus and while I was sitting in the parking lot, I looked up and noticed a FULL gets me every time. Oh's almost Saturday.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

oh, soooo close!

I decided to go to the club with the muzzy today. It's a cold day and I wanted to try the Cadillac. I got to the club and the only evidence of someone being there was Bob's name on the map, stand 13. I didn't see him though. I drove over to the Cadillac side and got into the woods. I saw a few runs from the top of the hill near the tower but I was expecting deer to cross over, under the old Cadillac. I wanted to get myself situated between them. I picked out a big tree on the edge of the woods, right on the edge of the hill to the railroad bed. At about 4:00 I saw movement up the hill towards the field (didn't expect that one!). I looked through my scope and it was 4 does, about 60 yards away but they were in the brush and didn't offer a clear shot. I watched them for a while in my my gun got heavier and heavier. One broke off from the group and started to meander closer and clearer. She didn't get a whole lot closer but she was starting to break free from the brush. She was turned away from me now and I thought, just turn broadside and you'll offer me a shot. Just from in the bushes must have seen me and busted...well, they all busted giving me no shot at all. What an exciting, heart-pounding experience.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Nice 8

It snowed last night...about 7 inches so I decided to hit the woods this afternoon. I left work around 1 and went to the tower. I met up with some guy from the cull on the way in and after some chit chat I headed in. I went, as I usually do, as close to the bottom of the apartments as I could. I set up in my tree and just as I did I noticed that someone hung a lock on right next to the apartment. Not sure if they are part of the cull or not...we decided to maintain the 450 feet rule and this clearly is not. Whatever!

Just about 3:00 I noticed movement to my left. Just as I expected, from under the apartments there were three does (and just under that guy's stand). They picked around for a while and left up the hill. At around 4:00 I noticed movement to my left. From the top of the hill I saw a nice buck walking just about where the other guy was. I was actually expecting to hear him shoot any minute..but he didn't. The buck started to walk down the hill then turned and went slightly up and then across. Then he started to come down towards heart was racing. I couldn't believe that I was going to get a shot at this beautiful 8. He was nice and wide and big bodied. He got to about 35-40 yards and decided to turn slightly up hill and out towards the bottom of the apartment (just under that guy's stand). That was all I saw for the rest of the night. When I walked out the guy I met said it was around 30 yards away and he let it walk (WHY?!). There was also another guy there. How is it that I saw only one other guy, one time the entire early bow, regular bow and extended that it's winter bow, snowy and about 20 degrees (oh, and windy as hell) I see two other guys?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A beary Happy New Year!

I went to the club today...what a great way to spend New Year's Day. In the woods! The weather was just had gotten really the 50's. There is a storm front that is going to be coming through so I was going to the club with high hopes. I wasn't exactly sure where I would sit when I got there but it would depend on who else was there and where they would be.

I pulled up to the club around 12:30 and saw Tony sitting outside of his truck. He said that he was waiting for Greg to show up and then asked if Greg told me about the bears. Of course, I didn't hear anything so he proceeded to tell me that there were bear tracks all over our club. At every stand. He said that he saw where the bears have made a den down by stand 9 (or course where I was sitting just two days before!!) Greg showed up and we decided to do a little mini-drive of the area near the horse farm. Well, needless to say, I was quite nervous sitting in the woods while Greg did the walking. He didn't push any deer and we decided to just sit the rest of the day rather than drives. So, with bear in mind, I headed to 10 1/2 and sat the rest of the night there. I did see a fox come into my field, but that was it. Greg was at the "big feeder" field (even though there isn't a feeder there anymore) and Tony was past 14 at the new feeder. Neither one saw anything.