Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last day for phez!..a.k.a. Happy New Year

Well today was the last day for pheasant hunting so I decided to hit Berkshire on my way to work. I got there with only moments to spare. I started out on the left of the field and it started to snow...hard. It was beautiful. I walked around for about 45 minutes and managed to see just a distant fly over. I had to get back to work so I walked the woods on the side of the path. As I was almost back, I looked under a log and saw a cockbird huddled under it in the snow. I inched closer and the bird took off. I let him get some distance between us and then I took him with one shot. Got my bird and headed to work. What a nice ending to a strange season.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Not a great day! Poor Bacci!! :-(

Ok, so I took the day off of work today. Not only was it supposed to be a great day for me and Dani to go hunting together, but it's also Bacci's birthday. What better way to spend it for him than to do what he loves to do best...aside from eat...hunting!! So we headed out...all excited. Due to the snow on the ground I didn't want to drive through the woods and thought it would be better to drive to the bridge and walk across. It felt like we were there alone! There were hardly any guys there. The only guy in the parking lot was Brian. So at first light we went into the field. Didn't put up anything but while we were walking I was telling Dani about tracking birds. We got to the point and I saw two cockbirds in the point. I walked in and they took off before I could get there. I took one shot but I was too far and missed. We came out the other side and started working the edge towards the swamp. We got to the end, tracking birds all along, and made a right to the edge of the river. Bacci was in the hedgerow and all of a sudden took off towards the woods. I whistled but he didn't listen. Well I saw some deer tracks and was worried that he was chasing a deer so I buzzed him when he wouldn't come back. He went back into the hedgerow and then I saw it...his face and chest was covered in blood. What the hell!? I called him over and he had cut his ear so badly it was dripping blood...and I don't mean a drip, was pouring. Dani started crying immediately (of course). I grabbed some snow in my hand and held it to the ear to see if I could get it to stop with pressure but it wouldn't stop. So we high tailed it back to the truck. When I got there I put on styptic powder and it seemed to stop. I picked him up and put him in the truck and we went home. When I pulled into the driveway he shook his head and there was blood all over my truck. I took him out and put on more powder...again it seemed to stop and I took him inside. Again he shook and now it was all over my house. I called the vet and brought him right in. The vet said that he needed stitches and that I could pick him up later. So I left him there and went home.

Dani and I decided that sitting home was silly and we went deer hunting at the club. It was a beautiful sit...the weather was chilly but nice. I really thought we would see some deer...but I couldn't get my mind off of Bacci. We didn't get any deer at the club and when we left I went to go pick up Bacci. They retrieved my pup and as I was paying he shook his head and blood started dripping again. They got the vet and said that they would restitch him and that he would stay the night!! Happily, he's home now and mending. It really was a deep gash though!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I'm such a dope!! a.k.a. "dang snow"

Well...first Dani and I went out bird hunting. It was the first day back to birds since the deer season so we were both pretty excited. Although it was cold...about 17 degrees. We got to the spot and there were only three, John and some other guy. Amil ended up pulling in before we got to start as well. So, we lined up and happily it wasn't crowded at all. We went through the first field with nothing, then continued we got to the third field we heard a shot from the swamp and saw a bird flying to us...I shot and got the hen. We walked around for a while until we got to the side of the hill next to the lot. Tucked under some brush near the field on the right was a cockbird. I saw it first and slowly backed away until the dog could get the scent. Bacci locked on and the bird took off...I got him and headed back to the truck. A great day for birds.

Dani and then came home and got ready for going deer hunting. It was supposed to start snowing and we were hoping that we could still get the hunt in. By 1:00 it hadn't started yet so out we went. As we got to around Rockaway, it started to snow...and then the further we went, the harder the snow got. Oh yeah, I forgot my cell phone at home too. So I continued on and got to the club. After getting on our gear we went into the blind. Saw that someone else had been using it too as they left a crate and seat in it. So we sat for about an hour with the snow pouring down. To be honest, I was getting nervous. I just kept thinking of the snowy ride home and decided to leave early so I can make the trip in the light. We walked back to the truck and Dani got in. I told her that I wanted to go back to the blind with some spikes that I had brought (I forgot them on the walk in). So I went back to the blind, lo and behold there was a deer right in front of the blind!! Within the 10 minutes that we walked away!!! I knelt down quickly but the deer saw me and all I got to see of it was the butt running away. I suppose I made the right decision but it wasn't a fun one to make!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bow during shotgun...

It was a beautiful, chilly day out. Sunny and around mid 30's. I had two choices...go to the club with the muzzy or shotgun for bucks or head out with the bow. I wasn't feeling overly confident about just seeing a buck at the club so I headed out with the bow. Unfortunately I didn't see anything, but it was a beautiful night!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Let it snow!

What a gorgeous afternoon!! I had a gig last night so I didn't get up to go bird hunting (hard when you get to bed at 3:30am to get up at 4:30am. After doing some Christmas decorating outside, I decided to hit the Tower for some deer. I got to the stand and settled in around 2. It was now snowing pretty hard. While I sat in the stand, it must have snowed 2 inches. It was just gorgeous. I was covered in snow, as was my bow, stand, etc. At 2:30 I saw a deer, think it was a doe, walking just under the apartments...she seemed really spooky and took off shortly after I saw her. I really don't think that she was spooky at me. Then at around 4:30, I saw either another doe, or the same one, walking around by the bottom of the apartments. Again, she was spooky. This time, I think it was because as the trees would gather the heavy snow, branches would break off and fall. I think that made the deer jumpy. Either way, she ran off and as it was starting to get dark, I gathered up and headed down. The woods were beautiful, magical and peaceful. Just loved it!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

First time blind...1st day of muzzy.

I finally made it back to the club. This time, with the Muzzy!! I decided to sit in my blind. When I was walking into the spot, I did happen to see some really nice trails. So I was pretty pumped. It was a really nice night...not too cold, but not that warm either. It was kind of breezy though (which has been the story of the season). Its funny how much warmer you are in the blind than in a stand. I sat in the stand from around1:30...very comfortably I might add. Of course, I didn't see a thing but it was a really nice post. It was a full moon that night, I wonder if that had anything to do with not seeing anything? I'll get 'em next time!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I finally had a foursome!!

Ok, so it was still a little crowded, but no where near what Thanksgiving was. This, however, was a great day. We started out into the field and managed to put up a bird. A nice hold for Bacci and I got it on the second shot. We walked through that field and into the next where a flyover came right at Greg...two down. We decided to head into the swamp by first hitting the edge. Greg put up a hen...three down. Then we headed into the swamp...omg! I walked with Bacci while Greg was to my right. Suddenly the dog started acting really birdy. As he worked the scent a foursome took off!! I shot...don't know what at, but I shot...missed everything. We worked that for a few minutes and saw a hen under the brush. I tried to get Bacci on the scent, but then we saw Mikey with Caroline on top of the hill. They shot at two birds that took off from the hillside and one landed in a tree. They didn't show any interest so Greg and I figured that it would be Dani's first shot at a bird. As we walked to the bird, the wind shook it from the tree and it took off....We both shot and she came down in the thickets. We walked over to where she fell and searched for her. As we did, she flew up and we shot....she came down again. A minute later, Greg said "uh oh"...he bent down and picked up the first hen! The one we just shot was a different bird!! We didn't want to waste it so we walked over to the VERY tough thicket and looked for her. We searched for about a half hour and couldn't find her. My only hope is that we missed her and she ran away. What a day!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Went bird hunting in the Thanksgiving day tradition. Not much to report from that day...Dani and I were only there an hour. Just as we were lining up, the massive crowds came...a sea of orange. To our left was a group of guys that started talking loudly in another me thinking...then as the first shot rang out, some guys to our right literally ran into the that moment I turned to Greg and said let's go...and we turned and went up the hill. We both ended up with our limit.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Strange bird day...

This was the day of the not-normal birds. The weird day started as me and Greg being the ONLY trucks in the parking area. Not that we would be lucky enough to be the only guys there...the crowd, although light, parked across the bridge. We started out in the field as usual. Nothing. We doubled back to head up the hill, as we got to the edge of the last hedgerow near the point, there must have been a bird in the tree. I didn't see him, but as we got there, he came flying directly at us, over our heads. By the time Greg and I turned around to shoot...we both missed. Then up the hill...Bacci got on the scent near the top and a bird went up. Greg shot, and it went down...then some other guy tried to claim it. So Greg told him that he thinks he got it but the guy could have it. The guy got ticked and left. Greg kept it. Bacci then kept going forward and put up a bird...out of range. We went down the hill and offered to help a guy and his daughter find a bird that had just ran into the thicket. I tried to get bacci to cooperate but he just ran into the field....a minute later, a bird went up in the field. I threw a few shots, but missed. Finally got bacci to help the guy, but nothing. Then we went across the road and into the mountain. After a while of walking...Bacci found a fresh, dead bird. I kept it...then later on, he ran down another took off and Greg and I both shot and missed...again. Just a strange day. We worked for a while longer and then called it quits. It was strange...the birds weren't cooperating, Bacci wasn't cooperating...but still fun.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The spike is back...

I went out today for an afternoon hunt back at the tower. I decided to head further up today, where I saw all the deer crossing last time. I got my gear together and headed out. It was a beautiful day...warmer than I would like for deer, but beautiful. I got to my tree and put the stand up...then realized that I left my camera on the hood of my truck. So I walked all the way back out to get it. Then back the time I got to the stand again I was sweating...a lot! I set up and at around 4, I heard walking behind me. I knew it was a deer but I didn't want to turn and get busted. I had to!! So, slowly I turned...until I could just barely see that it was the spike...and he was walking towards me. So I lowered my bow and just watched him walk under my stand...he did check me out but didn't freak. She slowly walked up the hill. That was all I saw.

Monday, November 16, 2009

What a day!!

I went to the tower today. It was a beautiful day!! Although it was probably warmer than I would have liked for the rut, it was supposed to get to 60 and it was sunny. I got into the woods at 10am, roamed around a bit to find a spot. I wanted to be up the hill from where I was last time. I saw that some guy had a feeder up I tried to get in between the feeder and the apartments. The woods are beautiful up there...and fairly big...I think it's the biggest piece that I could hunt. So anyway, at 12:00, a doe came walking from the top of the hill down towards the feeder. She was really spooky though. She was about 65 yards from me. Soon after that, some Mexican guy came walking through the woods with a golf club. He walked right under my stand. When he got to the top of the hill he swung his club a few times and then left. (don't ask!?)

At 1:45 I had another doe come from the bottom this time and walk up the hill. She was about 85 yards from me. Then at 2:15 I heard the ATV. I couldn't believe that I was going to have to deal with this again. Instead, it was some guy (I'll assume that other guy's kid) and he was going hunting. He drove his ATV right under my stand and didn't see me. He parked it 80 yards away, got off and left for his stand. I thought that my night was screwed for sure. At around 4:00, I heard a commotion. I grabbed my bow and I saw, coming from the top of the hill, a doe being chased by two bucks. The first was a small four and the other was a really nice wide six (at least). The six would chase the doe and then chase away the four. This happened as they worked down the hill towards me. Then the doe walked under my stand...which of course brought in the bucks. The six walked straight towards me...all he needs to do is take a step and stop broadside...he did...RIGHT BEHIND A TREE!! I had drawn back and couldn't do a thing. He was literally right under my stand. Then all of a sudden he took off chasing the doe again. I tried to stop him but he wasn't interested. They circled my tree and I turned myself around. He stopped again, right behind my tree. I couldn't get the angle on him. In my attempt to draw and try and get an angle for the shot the four saw me moving and they all took off down the hill. I tried grunting to stop them but to no avail.

After that excitement, a few moments later, I had that little pencil spiker walk right under my stand. He stood there and looked at me for a while and then stomped back up the hill. Then I had a doe come down the hill towards the apartments...she stayed about 60 yards away. Then it got dark. That was probably one of the most exciting days I've spent deer hunting. Of course, I'm SICK over not being able to get the shot on the wide six. He was a dandy!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Second time out for birds...

I brought Dani today. It was supposed to rain, but it ended up not being so bad. It was drizzly at the worst. The crowds weren't all that bad either today. I ended up getting one bird and Greg got two. Bacci was amazing today. One bird, Bacci pointed. When it went up, Greg shot and thought he powdered it so he didn't shoot again...but it kept flying. After about a 20 minute search, Bacci found it tucked under a log about 200-300 yards away. He's the greatest!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Opening day of pheasant...

What a beautiful day!! It was the first morning that I found it to be really chilly...only about 24 on the way to Flatbrook. The sky was clear and the frost was on the ground. I got to the lot knowing that I only had a short time to hunt...perhaps just an hour or two. After catching up with all the regulars, we headed in at 8. There were birds everywhere. Greg and I went down the first field...after the first field, I had one and he had two. We went to the end and doubled back to go up the hill. We got to the top and seemed to be somewhat we headed back down to the field. Went along the river and then back along the swamp. I headed out and home after that but this is one of those days I could have walked all day and really knew that I could have gotten more birds.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The ATV guy...

Well, I went out today to a new spot. I wasn't seeing anything at my usual places so I wanted to try "the tower". I headed out on a beautiful was in the mid fifties and mostly cloudy. It was calling for a 40% chance of rain later in the day, but when I headed out it was sunny. I pulled up and started to get dressed. From the corner of my eye I saw something on the side of the road in the woods. It was a small buck...just slowly walking. I continued to get dressed (what else could I do?) I got to my spot and settled in. It was just beautiful and I really just enjoyed being there. By 4:00, I saw a deer coming down the hill towards me. When it was behind a tree I drew back and waited. Then I saw that it was a little spike...the spikes were really tall and really skinny. I let down and watched him walk 10 yards away from my stand. At around 4:30 another deer walked down the same path...but instead of coming towards me, he veered away towards the tower. He was only a fork, at best. He was messing around for a while and then took off up the hill. I thought I spooked him, but when I looked to where he had been, I saw a guy (black guy with a white hoodie) walking through the woods near the road. Grrr....

I waited because now it was getting good. I was expecting to see the big boy any moment. Then, I heard an's coming my way!! Are you kidding me?! He rode up the hill from me and I put up my hands in disgust. Then he rode towards me and asked me "who the F are you". We had some words back and forth, me being very calm and professional. He asked finally how i came to hunt in the cull...I told him I was friends with Det. Ed and his entire mood changed. He apologized up and down, invited me to his house, told me about all the stands that were there and told me to hunt the ones that he put up. So...the hunt ruined, I got down and left. Strange place this Morris Plains is.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I don't think I'm in Kansas anymore...

I went out today behind the dump. Left work early, 12:15 and got in the woods. I went to my usual tree and because so many leaves fell I wanted to get into a different spot. I searched for a good tree and settled on an ok one. I didn't realize that the stand wouldn't fit around larger trees. I got up the tree and was facing the wrong way. The tree was leaning to one side and I had a hill behind me so on one side I felt really close to the ground, but on the other I felt like I was touching the sky. So...all in all...I was NOT comfortable! THEN...the wind started. It was WINDY!! I was swaying back and forth...a few times, I actually held on to the tree!! Unfortunately, I didn't see a thing!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

In the parking lot!!

So I went behind my company this morning, got to the parking area around 5:15 and got out and started to get dressed. I was about halfway done and a really nice buck came strolling THROUGH THE PARKING AREA! He walked about 40 or so yards away from me, grunting the whole way. I couldn't really see how many points he was, but his rack was pretty nice...even in the dark. After I got in the woods, all I saw was two squirrels!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hiding from deer....or people?

Went out today behind the office. I haven't been back there for about two weeks and when I walked back there I was amazed at how many leaves were off the tree. After looking for a place where I might find some more cover, I climbed into the regular tree. I felt like I was sitting in the middle of the parking lot. I could see the trucks clearly...I watched two people walking laps... I actually would hide from people walking by and trucks pulling in! the weather was perfect for seeing deer...the only problem was...I didn't!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Jeez, it's the cops!!

So, I went out to the Recycling center today. It was an absolutely perfect day. it was sunny, 62, a very slight breeze...I really expected to see deer tonight! I got into the stand and set up by 3:00. By 3:30 I heard something coming up the walk way. I turned and saw a guy walking...wearing khaki pants and a golf shirt...he was carrying something in his hands. He passed me by. Keep in mind that the pathway is only 24 yards from my tree. He came back very shortly after he left and it appeared that he had a walkie talkie in his hand. Strange, I thought. He MAY have seen me on the way back out but I'm not sure. About 5 minutes later the cops come zooming up the path way. They do a quick K-turn right next to my stand and zoom away. STRANGE! A little while later I saw a guy across the field barbecuing...this is certainly a strange way to hunt. (but it did smell really

At 5:00 a doe surprised me and came in from an area I wasn't expecting. I wasn't ready for her. I sllllloooowwwwlllyy got myself into a position to take her if I wanted to...but as I was trying to, she kept eyeing me up and sniffing the air. She turned and I could see some black "stuff" on her left thigh...hmmm...what is that?! Do I really want to take her? She's not that big either. By the time I decided what I wanted to do, she was gone. A little while later, by about 5:30, the two little buttons came back. I watched them for a while...contemplating about how much I need some venison for the freezer, but decided that I needed to let them walk.

All in all, it was a tremendous night!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Nothing but a bug storm!

Went out behind the Recycle center. It was an absolutely beautiful day...sunny and 73 with a slight breeze. It was gorgeous...not for deer apparently because I didn't see a single hair of a deer, but it was so nice I had a hard time staying awake in the tree! On the way in, however, I was caught in the middle of a swarm of lady bugs...this swarm went on the entire afternoon that I was there. It was kind of cool to see.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

First cold morning...

I went out behind my job this morning. I knew I only had time for a morning hunt because i had a gig at night and I also wanted to get to Gianna's softball game. I went in and got set up by started to get light at 6:40. I saw nothing...but it was pretty cool and had been raining so it was the kind of cold that gets to your bone.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gave 'em a pass....

Went out to the Recycling center today. It was nice, about 62, but really windy. I honestly didn't expect to see anything. At around 4:45 I had two small deer walk into me. They came from the roadside of the property and I watched them from about 50 yards out. I could clearly see that one was a button...the other, I wasn't so sure about. It didn't look all that different from the button so I decided to give them a pass. I watched them feed around my stand for about 20 minutes...close enough that I could spit on them. They walked away. A little while later, maybe by around 6:00, I had two deer come in from the houses side. The first one came into me and I thought that it was the 2nd deer that I wasn't sure if it was a button or not, I needed to see the other one that it was with to make sure. I watched and then I drew back...the deer walked up, under my stand and by the time I saw the second deer was NOT the button, I realized that this was a doe but she was under my stand and I couldn't draw on her. My bow hit the railing! They took off spooked, but I don't think from me. Not sure. I waited until it was just about dark...I couldn't really see well and started to pack up my stuff. From the other side of the big tree next to me, I heard the leaves. Apparently the two does had come back to me...but I didn't know. Now it was getting really dark but I took my bow and slowly tried to turn around in the stand. By the time I was turned, the deer were on the path, around 27 yards from me. I didn't feel comfortable taking a shot when it was so dark, pointed towards the again, I gave them a pass. It was an eventful evening.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I hobbled in....

My ankle was still hurting today but there was nothing keeping me out of the woods today. Went behind my job in the morning. It was a cool, foggy morning...just like I like it. By 8:30, I heard a CRASH right next to me. In the thicket between me and the drive, a small buck...looked like a spike, came crashing out of the thicket and back in. I saw the brush move and then it stopped. I wasn't sure if he was in there or left. I assumed he was shot and running away. I got out of the tree at 9:30 so I can see Dani's game and I walked over to where I saw him last. As I peeked in the brush, I saw him get up and walk off. I think his left front leg looked bad. Not sure if he was shot or hit, but I think he was messed up.

Went to the club in the afternoon. Saw Tony and Brad. I sat in the swamp stand and at 4:45 had, what looked to be, a spike walk out into the field. He walked towards the swamp and then was gone (have no idea where). Tony got a doe in 3. Brad saw nothing in 10

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Well, I went out this was a really nice morning. The weather was a little warmer than it's been, but it was hazy, foggy, it was nice. I went behind my job. Although it was a nice morning, I didn't see anything. I wonder if the full moon had something to do with that. After my morning post, I went to see Dani play softball in Randolph. While I was there I sprained my ankle...instead of going hunting in the evening, I went to the ER! I hope this damned thing gets better soon...I don't want to miss too much hunting!!! GRRRRR!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Went out behind the Recycle Center today. It was only in the high 50's, low 60's and overcast. The wind was blowing pretty strong. I settled in around 2:45. I think I climbed too high because I was feeling really uneasy. So much so that after about an hour of sitting I had to lower myself down a bit. It was literally a foot but made me feel better. Strange, I know. At 5:00, without notice, boom...there were two deer at my stand. They were small but I really wanted to get a deer. So I stood up, drew back and the first deer gave me a clear shot at about 18 yards. I remembered to hold lower this time and I let it fly. Well, it was the perfect hight...just further back than I would like (hence, I still suck). The deer walked away, but not far. I saw it lay down. I thought, game over! But I watched it through my binos...and even though I saw the blood coming out of the entrance wound, it was still alive. After about 25 minutes, I the deer get up and try to walk...the guts were hanging even though it was back, the exit was down through the belly and the guts followed the arrow out. How was he still alive?! I got my stuff together and came down the tree after about 45 minutes. I got my arrow and saw that he was still alive so I walked over to the deer and put the original arrow through his heart. I left to bring my stuff to the truck then came back to get the deer. When I started to field dress him, I noticed it was a button...damn! I brought him home and butchered him up.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Grunting, now?

I went behind my job this morning. I wanted to get in a post before going to see Daniella's double-header against Montville. I got set up by 5:45 and by 7:00 I saw nothing. Then all of a sudden a buck came hauling past me...not really running but certainly rushing. He went from my right to the field/tracks. Then I heard grunting and another buck quickly followed him, grunting. I'm surprised. About an hour later I saw a deer coming from the street side down to my left. Never came close enough for me to see what it was, but it was just a fleeting glimpse.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Left work early and went to the Recycling Center. It was a beautiful 70 degrees and sunny. It was pretty breezy though. Gusty at times. Well I got set up by 2:30 and was on edge the whole night...certain that I was going to see deer. Nuthin! I guess it was just too windy for them.

Monday, September 21, 2009

I suck!

Went to the Recycling center today. Started out at the Community center but saw a guy there getting his bait together. Talked to him for a little bit and he made it really clear that he wouldn't want someone hunting right near his stand. Not that I blame him. So I got up in the stand at the Recycling center later than I would have wanted, around 4. As I got up the tree I noticed a deer coming in from the dump side. I stopped doing what I was doing and waited for the deer to appear. After about 15 minutes she never showed herself. I assumed she walked towards the houses so I finished getting ready. To my surprise she wasn't all that far from me...and proceeded to walk in towards me. She was really nervous and got about 50 yards from me...she spotted me and I think caught my scent because she darted away. Around 6, another doe came from the same spot and walked in the middle of the property and she too sort of disappeared. I kept waiting for her to show but in the meantime, two does came walking in from the bottom (the way I actually expected the deer to come). They both walked right up to me. When the second one had gone behind a tree I drew back...aimed on the shoulder and let it fly...and fly it did, right over her back!! She took off, stopped about 60 yards away...stomped a few times and was gone. I got down and saw half my was busted clean in half. I couldn't find the front half but there was no blood anywhere. It was a clean miss. I suck!! I don't get it...I practice, on average, 4 times a week...year round and I missed!! At 20 yards!! I SUCK!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Seriously?! What a strange hunting season. I went to the club today for an afternoon post. The weather couldn't be better, it was about 70 and sunny with a slight breeze. Just beautiful. I sat at stand 17. I saw nothing. I did, however, listen to the drag races all night. It was SO DAMNED loud. Before getting into the stand I did go look at my ground blind...still there. Then went to 13 and saw that the feeder was upside down. Hmmmm....not sure if that's a vandal or a bear.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tennis anyone?

Went out today to the Pool. It was a nice day...about 80, but with a nice breeze. When I pulled up I happened to notice about 6-8 old people sitting at the picnic bench near the pond. I pulled up and started to get my gear together. Just then an old lady and her dog walked up to the car next to me. She began talking to the dog, telling him that he's going to have to get in the driver's side. I told her I would move and she said she didn't want to put me out...I said that she wasn't. She came over, I pet her dog and we talked for a little bit. I left and walked into the woods. I happened to notice the old people noticed me now. I got into the woods and picked a tree and began to climb. Just then I heard three car horns that were continuously being beeped (like an alarm). I think that the old people were trying to scare the deer away! LOL.

I sat there for a while and around 5 I caught a glimpse of a deer at the top of the hill. It was a buck and never made his way down to me. I did, however, notice that around 40 yards away there was a tree stand with corn spread around. At around 5:30-6:00 two guys showed up to play tennis. I heard them start playing and apparently they had a dog too because he kept yapping like he was tied up or something. This continued the entire time that I was there. There was only about 5 minutes of light left and I saw some does coming in. They never did make it down to me though.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Trucks, trucks, trucks...

I went out today for an afternoon hunt. I went behind my office building where I saw "sleepytime buck". It was warm, 82 and sunny. There was a breeze that kept it cooler though. I sat in the stand from 3:00 until 7:40. I did see a glipse of a buck, I'm not sure if it was sleepytime or not. He was a little far away and through the brush. That was all I saw...I did, however, hear trucks the entire night. Loading, unloading, pulling in, pulling out...backing up...beeeeep, beeeep, beeeep, beeeep...I have to was pretty damned annoying!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Amazing opening day...

It was drizzly and around 60. I started off the day behind the office. I knew I had the feeder back there so I figured that I would see something, but wasn't sure if it would be night post or morning post. At 7:45 I was starting to close my eyes...only for a minute when I opened them I had a 5 pointer at the feeder. I watched him for a half hour and he walked away. A little while later I saw a fox or a was quick so I couldn't tell. Then, at around 9ish I saw movement to my left. I 7-8 pointer walked out and went to the feeder. He fed there for a little and then walked towards me. He decided to take on a bush that was right by my stand...he won, the bush lost!

Then he walked under my stand and laid down 5 yards away and that's where he stayed. It was now getting later and I wanted him to leave. I wanted to get down, go home and dry off before I went to my evening stand. I didn't want to spook him however. I thought and thought about what I could do...then the idea came to me to shoot rubber bands at him. lmao. I had them on my wrist. I did, and hit him a few times but he didn't care. Luckily, by 11 he got up and walked away. I gave him a little bit and then left. It was amazing!!

Then, for the afternoon, it wasn't quite as amazing. I went up to the club and went to stand 17 (the big feeder). Greg, Tony and Brad were there. I got into the stand at around 2:30 and sat, in the rain. Not hard, but rain. It had stopped around 4:30 but oh my God, the mosquitos came out. There were so many of them I swore they were going to carry me away. I put my mask over my entire face and looked through it. They were still flying all around my face and I heard them...once in a while they would find a way through my defenses or bite me through my mask if my skin was against it. It was horrible...I stayed until I couldn't see through the mask, so I lowered it and stayed in the stand until I couldn't take it anymore. As I was getting out, Greg walked up to my stand. He couldn't take his skeeters anymore either. Apparently Brad had the same issue. I couldn't ask Tony because he had left before I got back to the truck.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Opening day is finally here...

Well, it's finally upon us...opening day of bow!! Of course, the excitement of opening day has been somewhat dampened by the fact that it's raining all day today and is supposed to be raining tomorrow as well. Of course that's not going to stop me from going, but it does make it somewhat less enjoyable. I also don't feel well, which is also making me less excited about it. I am going to go to the work spot in the morning, then run home to see Daniella's second softball game, then run to Gianna's first softball game, and then I'll go up to the club for the PM post. I think that if it's raining, I'll sit in the ground blind. Well, here's hoping to a safe, successful season!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

8 days out!!

I am so excited that I'm having trouble sleeping through the night. I have a few options of where to go on opening morning and it's keeping me up at night trying to figure it all out. I can break down my options into two parts, morning hunt and evening hunt. I'm not going to go for a full day because Gianna and Dani both have softball games. I want to try and see as much of them as I can. I already know that I won't be able to watch Gianna cheer at night. So, the evening part is easier. I think I'm going to go to the club at night...primarily because it's a Saturday and it's easier to get to MP during the week. So, that's the easy part. Now for the morning...if I go to the club, it would be harder to get back for the softball games. I also don't have a whole lot of luck in the morning at the club. Unless I got the first field, and there's no guarantee on that. So, that leaves MP. I could either go to Recycle, but I know that has the most I'm thinking that I should leave that until I get my EAB doe. That brings me to my work spot. This is an untried spot, although the feeder I have is getting hit, I don't know if it's AM or PM. I think I am going to start out there however, so I don't use up the "buck spot" before I can shoot one. So...that's the plan...guaranteed to keep me up anyway because like most things, it can change on a daily basis!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Brought Dani to the feeders

Just to pass some time yesterday, I brought Dani to the feeders. I was quite pleased that the "no plow" seeds that I planted on Thursday or Friday (don't remember when) are already sprouting!! We saw a doe and fawn at the Recycle feeder (they weren't actually at the feeder but near it and I saw some nice fresh sign behind the work feeder! 19 days and counting!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The feeders are out! a few things have gone on since last Saturday. First, I met with the MP cull hunt program for the annual saftey meeting. The two things of note, I met with a guy named Chris. He's the one that has the feeder on the bottom of recycling. I spoke with him and I sat next to the fat man from last year. He said that he's not going to set up in his spot again this year...I reminded him about his rope and he said "yeah, I have to get that out of the tree"...bastard! I didn't set up there purposely because of that! The other thing of note was, Chris said that he has trail cam pictures of a bear in the spot. I told him that I wish he didn't tell me that. lol. Here we go again!! So, that was Tuesday night. I ordered another feeder and it came in on Wednesday so I went behind my job and hung it up. I also put down a little of the plot seed just to see if it would grow. Then today (Thursday) in the morning, I went to the MP Recycle and moved my feeder to the fat man's stand. I also put down the rest of the seed...we'll see what happens. Oh, when I was talking to Chris he said that he's got pictures of some monster bucks back there too!! Here's to many days left until the season? 23 days!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Put out the blind...

I was supposed to go to the 3-D shoot this weekend but my central air took a I couldn't go. I did, however, manage to get myself to the club to put out my ground blind. It looks like the farmer was mowing the fields which is good. In addition to putting up the blind, I laid a little of the "no plow" food plot seeds. I was hoping that the area was more open than it was in front of my blind but it wasn't...I didn't bring any tools that I could use to clear out the weeds either. So, we'll see what happens. I think I'm going to take the rest of the seeds and plant them behind my job.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hung the feeder...

I checked the Recyle area yesterday just to make sure that I'm going to hang my feeder where the guy had his last year...damn, too late...he beat me to it. Now...what to do, what to do? I decided to hang my feeder at the beginning of the piece. It's probably not the best spot as I think all the deer will have to pass the other two guys before coming to me, but there was some fresh sign there and I have seen deer go that was in the past. Again, they would have to walk past the other guys first...I also left some corn in the bag and put it behind my job. I found a neat little spot back there...there is a guy with a stand at the corner of the property, but this looks to be far enough away from him. I was also thinking about getting another feeder and putting it there....don't know though. CAN'T WAIT for the season to start!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I won!!

Well, I made my second trip to the MP Mountain today. The first time I noticed that it was really nice woods. I ended up finding some sign...a lot of poop...some that were big and clumpy, some nice trails and saw a few does too. I went back again today with the range finder and the spot is just shy of legal...I may end up going there anyway...we'll see what the season brings. I think I'm still going to go to the old place to hang the feeder, but I'll keep this one in mind to just jump in some evenings. It looks promising.

Now on to the "I won!" part of the heading...I won 9 pounds of Whitetail Institute Imperial food plot from Talk!! How cool is that! I don't know if I'll use it, but it sure is nice that I actually won something!! How great!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Went to the club

Went to the club today to meet up with Tony and Greg. I thought we were just going to meet and pay, but it turned out to be a work party. Greg, Tony, Bob and Brad were also there. When I got there I learned that all the feeders were vandalized. Some one came along and took all the chargers and feeder units. We cut out 10 and made it a real nice stand and put a feeder there. Bob will be getting new parts and getting them running again. Then we went into the old pit. I didn't even know that was there, but it was really nice. Then we went to 11 and made that nice. They worked on 3 before I got there. Then up to 12 but we left that alone. We'll probably take that down. We also cut out around the big feeder. Then up to the other side of the other pit where I muzzleloader hunted. Trimmed up there and took the feeder. That was it, then we left. It took about 4 hours to do all that. It was actually a lot of fun...loved being out in the woods again!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Took a walk yesterday...

I took a walk behind the Recycling center yesterday looking for a spot to hang the feeder. Unfortunatley, that fat guy has the perfect spot...I can't go anywhere around him without being too close to him. I may walk with my ranger finder in a bit to see if I can get far enough away from him, far enough from the houses and still cut off where I know the deer could come from. The only spot that I did find that was far enough away from him I'm not sure if the deer go to. It's on the hill right near the dump...The leaves look like they were walked on there but I didn't see any true sign. I'll have to visit a few more times. I also emailed Ed to see if there were any new properties opened to us. It would also help if this stupid state would pass the 150 rule too.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

New toys

I know that I haven't updated in a long time...but nothing's really happened (hunting wise) since turkey season. I did receive some "toys" in the mail though. I bought a new hunting knife, I got the buck 110 Alaskan Guide series. I also got a ground blind that I set up last night...that looks like fun. I got a new safety vest that I tried on, really easy to use. I also bought a new gambrel and hoist, some hats, belts, other assorted knick knacks. I am still waiting on purchasing the new brush pants, a beeper for bacci, a feeder, new boots, and a new vest for bacci. I'll make those purchases before the season.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Last turkey day...

Ok, well today was the last day for turkey for me. It was an interesting one. First of all, the weather was outstanding. It was a bit chilly in the morning (perhaps upper 30's, lower 40's) but it warmed up really nicely during the day. I started the day by Bob's stand...I heard a whole lot of gobbling from the mountain and there was a strange sounding gobble that seemed to be coming from near the Cadillac stand. I assumed it was Bob or a tresspasser calling the gobblers up on the hill. After calling there a while I moved to the bottom and walked up from stand 13. I sat there for a while, enjoying the sun and not hearing anything. After a while I drove to the Cadillac side and set up. I called for a while and heard one strange gobble. I sat and called on and off for about 45 minutes and nothing. I then heard that strange gobble again...didn't sound close but didn't sound too far either. I decided to move to the field and try to swing around and get closer. I walked into the edge of the field and DANG! there was a gobbler!! He walked out from the hedgerow about 60 yards from me. He was PROBABLY heading down towards me...and he was limping...maybe that's why he had a screwey gobble. I walked REALLY slowly through the field...he stayed a step ahead of me but it took me about a half hour to cross the field. I got close enough for a shot through the brush and took it...he ran off and then flew off. I didn't find him again. FRAK! I stink at turkey hunting.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Turkey - Day two

What a difference a day makes. Today, it was 44 degrees when I was starting out. I went again to the cadillac stand and this time, in the dark, there was a gobbler gobbling from the pines right at the end of cadillac. I quietly slipped in the woods in the dark (didnt use my flashlight) and sat until it was light enough to see. The gobbler kept on going...calling again and again. I made some tree yelps. Once or twice he answered me back and then I heard him getting farther and farther away. I got up and moved to the end of the field. I called and sat there for a while but I didn't see anything and he didn't call back again. Darn!! I then made my way to 13 and called up and down the hedgrow. When I got to the top of the hill I had two deer come in and look at the decoy. The first deer was stomping and snorting...she didn't like my deek one bit! After a while, from the corner of my eye I saw a hen pop into the field, about 50 yards away from me. I never expected her to come from where she came from. After a while I went to the back cow pasture again and then along the back by the cemetary. Nothing...Bob wasn't there this time. I don't know why that Gobbler decided to walk opposite of where I was calling. Why do I like turkey hunting?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Turkey - Day one

It was coooold this morning. When I started out my truck said that it was 26...that's cold for turkey. I started out by the Cadillac stand and I did manage to hear some gobbling from across the road. I didn't get them down to me though. I next went to the field that's at the end of the Cadillac. When I got there I had to climb over a mountain of dirt and once I cleared the mound, there was a hen on the other side tucked into the hedgrow. Well, needless to say, I scared her and she scared me and both of us went our separate ways. I tucked myself into the hedgerow and called...the sun was now shining and it was warming up a bit. It was windy though. Nuthin...I moved down along the backside and worked my way around the cow pasture, still nothing... I then went to stand 13 and there was another hen tucked into the brush. I called up and down the edge and nuthing. I saw Bob there so I didn't want to get too close, he was in the big feeder field. I went down the path near 5 and worked around back there, nothing. It was now 11:30. It was a nice day even though I didn't really see anything.

Monday, April 6, 2009

One week and a strut...

Only one week left until the Turkey opener! We went to dinner last night at The Mohawk House in Sparta and on the way home, in the woods off of Rt. 15 there was a turkey strutting in the woods. I managed to catch a quick glimpse of it as we drove was enough to get me all jazzed up for opening day!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Ruger P95

Ok, so I know that this is really not a hunting thing, but I'm really excited that I went and picked up my new Ruger P95 handgun today.

It feels really nice in my hand...I can see why people would say it's a little chunky, but then again, I've nothing to compare it to. So far it's just been handling it while I was driving back to work...I know, not smart...but i can't wait to shoot it. Ok, that's it...only two more weeks until Turkey!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I won the lottery!!

Well, the turkey permit lottery anyway! :) I got my first choice of Zone 9, week A. That's April 13 - 17. I just checked the calendar and the great news is that no one has a payroll that week so I don't have to worry about taking time!! YEAH!! Can't wait!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Last day Muzzy!

When: February 7, 2009
Where: Club - big feeder
Weather: beautiful...lower 40's and breezy
Time: 2:00 pm - 2:20pm

Yup, you read that only took twenty minutes!! I got to the club around 1:30 and got dressed. I made it into my spot by 2. I got all set and by 2:20 a deer walked out of the thickets. I thought it was a doe as there was no horns or remnince of horns so I lined up and took the shot. He went down in a clump, let out one "bahhh" and died. I walked over to him and learned that he was the button that Greg was talking about. The nubs didn't even show themselves at all. I went to get the deer checked and then call Rich, the butcher. Rich didn't answer so I left a message. By night time when he didn't call back I decided that I had to butcher the deer myself. So, on Sunday I went and got a new knife and butchered it myself (after watching how to videos on youtube). I made out just fine...It was kind of fun.

So that's how my 2008 season ended...with a bang you might say!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Behind the tennis courts for one more time...

When: Feburary 6, 2009
Where: Duh, behind the tennis court
Time: 3:30-5:30
Weather: Mid 30's and sunny

Not much to report here...just went out and didn't see anything. Some tracks but that was it. Around dark a fox ran by my stand.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

A drive and nuthin...

When: January 24, 2009
Where: The club - swamp stand
Weather: cold (low 20's) and windy.
When: 2:00 - 5:30

I went to the club today. When I got there I saw Tony and Greg. They were up there doing drives of the property (grrrr). When I got dressed Tony and I were standers and I went to 13 and Greg pushed the hill. We saw nothing. Then I went to the swamp stand for the evening sit. I saw nothing...Greg saw nothing (he went to 6...Bob's stand) and apparently they didn't see anything all day while driving. Oh well.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Stupid snow!

When: January 10, 2009
Where: Morning - Recycling center
Evening - Club - Stand 18
Weather: Morning, cloudy and cold. Evening, snow showers!

The morning was pretty uneventful. I got in my tree (the fat man's stand) about 6:15 and sat until 8:30 but I was cold so I left and came home. The afternoon I went to the club. I love hunting in the inch or two is great and sure makes things pretty but today the snow was really coming down. I sat in the stand from 2:00 until 4:00 but all I could think about was, "will I get out of the parking spot", "the ride home will be miserable" I decided to still hunt my way back to the truck. While walking back I passed by the Big Feeder stand. As I rounded the corner I could see a doe feeding. I stopped and put up my gun...she was on the other side of the hedgerow and as I was thinking about what I could do to get a shot she saw me, spooked and ran into the pit. I tried to stop her in the path but she didn't. I sat under the stand for a few minutes hoping she'd come back but she didn't so I left. The ride home was pretty treacherous.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

So close...

When: January 3, 2008
Where: Morning - Recycling center
Evening - Club - stand 19
Weather: Sunny, clear, cold (around 25) and quite windy
When: 6:15 - 8:45 & 1:00 - 5:00

I started out the day bow hunting in Morris Plains. It was a really nice morning in the fat man's tree. I didn't see anything however. By 8:45 I had all the cold I could take...actually everything was warm but my feet.

The evening hunt was a muzzleloader hunt at the club. I went to stand 19. While I was walking in, right by the big feeder, I kicked out a doe who ran into the field. I tried to cap the muzzy while she was standing there but by the time I capped it she was gone. I got to the stand and set up. At 3:15ish I saw a four pointer pop out from the brush in front of the stand. He looked right in my direction so I couldn't move. Slowly I got my gun into position and as I was doing that he walked to his right a few steps into some thick brush. I waited for him to reappear on the other side but he never did. A minute later I saw 8 does running hard in the field behind the cemetary. That was the last sign of deer I saw for the night. A great night on stand!!