Saturday, December 27, 2008
Last day of stocking...
I went up to Flatbrook for the last day of stocking pheasants. I parked on the other side of the river because I wasn't sure how the snow would be on the bumpy road and when we walked over to the parking lot it was only Greg in it! We started out and didn't see a flush...didn't hear much shooting either. After going along on the field side for a while we decided to go up the hill near the cars. When we got to the top left of the hill Bacci would point, then creep, then point. He then locked on point under a pine...Greg saw the hen and tried to flush her towards me but she went up in front of him and a pine tree so he got her. We walked on and just a few moments later Bacci put up a cockbird that wouldn't hold for him. As he flushed he went over the ridge behind us. Neither Greg nor I would shoot because he was low and Bacci was in pursuit. A moment later Bacci returned with him in his mouth!! He's getting good at this! :) We kept walking around the hill, did some of the edge and then went across the road. We ended working our way back to the stuck spot but didn't see any other birds for the day. We ended around 11:00. It was a nice, but strange bird season this year. Not a lot of birds...a ton of guys and the weather seemed strange for almost every day I went. Had a GREAT time with Dani going hunting this year. I hope she doesn't decide that it's "not her thing" like Gianna did. I hope to get her out for one more day hunting deer. We'll see if the weather cooperates.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
What a great snowy day!!!
Went bird hunting at Berkshire Valley today. It snowed yesterday and left 6-8 inches of snow. I headed out to BV because I didn't want to have to drive up to Flatbrook with the roads being cruddy. I pulled into the parking lot and could barely beleive that there were only two other cars there. There ended up having two more cars...but there were hardly anyone there. I started out and within the first few minutes Bacci went on point. He held for a long time until I got there and when I did there was a hen in some brush. She struggled to get out and when she broke over the field she never flew more than a few feet off the ground. I didn't shoot because Bacci was in hot pursuit. The dog disappeared...I called for him and a few minutes later he came back with the bird! One for Bacci!! We worked around a bit and as I went up the hill I caught the tracks of a bird. I followed for a bit and saw the cockbird on the hill. As we approached he took off and I got him. I started to walk out of the woods and some guy on top of the hill shot at a cockbird and missed. He called to me as it flew over my head but I already had two. I told him that I did and he said he ran out of shells. I told him that he could have one of my birds so I can still hunt and he took one. I looked for the cockbird and couldn't find him...I started to walk towards the car and when I went into the woods I saw some tracks. About a minute later a cockbird took off and I got him...I went back to the car. I talked to the guy that I gave the bird to, his name is Kevin. We cleaned the birds and I found out why the hen that I gave him didn't fly high...she was carrying eggs! As he cut her open, she started leaking all over the place and three soft shelled eggs popped out! I've never seen that before. All in all, a great day pheasant hunting. I have the birds marinating right now!!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
First day deer hunting with Daniella!!!

When: Saturday, December 13, 2008
Where: The club - Big feeder
Weather: Clear and cold (26).
Time: 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm
This was Dani's first time deer hunting!! First, when we got to the club there was no one else there, that surprised me considering it's still 6-day. We went to stand 4 because it is a double stand...Dani was so stuffed with clothes she could barely move! We got to the stand and I checked it. It was sturdy but it was high and to be honest I was nervous...I had Dani climb up and she did with not too much problem. Getting onto the platform was a bit of a challenge but once she was up that high, I had visions of her falling so I had her climb back down. We walked through the field to "Bob's feeder" and we sat on the wall. I didn't feel good there because there was such a small window to shoot through and there was no cover so we left there. We went to the big feeder and buried ourselves in the hedgerow. This was the same spot I got the buck at last year. Dani sat behind me on a milkcrate and I sat in front of her. We didn't see anything but she sat like a trooper. In spite of the constant movement and frequent talking she did well :) I can't wait to take her back out and CAN'T WAIT for her to see her first deer in the woods.
Where: The club - Big feeder
Weather: Clear and cold (26).
Time: 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm
This was Dani's first time deer hunting!! First, when we got to the club there was no one else there, that surprised me considering it's still 6-day. We went to stand 4 because it is a double stand...Dani was so stuffed with clothes she could barely move! We got to the stand and I checked it. It was sturdy but it was high and to be honest I was nervous...I had Dani climb up and she did with not too much problem. Getting onto the platform was a bit of a challenge but once she was up that high, I had visions of her falling so I had her climb back down. We walked through the field to "Bob's feeder" and we sat on the wall. I didn't feel good there because there was such a small window to shoot through and there was no cover so we left there. We went to the big feeder and buried ourselves in the hedgerow. This was the same spot I got the buck at last year. Dani sat behind me on a milkcrate and I sat in front of her. We didn't see anything but she sat like a trooper. In spite of the constant movement and frequent talking she did well :) I can't wait to take her back out and CAN'T WAIT for her to see her first deer in the woods.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Opening Day (6-day) - a.k.a. Brrrrrr!!!
When: December 8, 2008
Where: Club - Stand 18
Weather: Mostly Sunny and was 21 with the windchill into the teens
When: 12:30pm - 5:00pm
I was going to hunt all day but when I woke up it was just too dang cold. So I decided to just go for the afternoon. I got into the stand around 12:30 and I sat until 5. I didn't see a thing. It seems that Tony was at the cadillac but I didn't hear him shoot either.
Where: Club - Stand 18
Weather: Mostly Sunny and was 21 with the windchill into the teens
When: 12:30pm - 5:00pm
I was going to hunt all day but when I woke up it was just too dang cold. So I decided to just go for the afternoon. I got into the stand around 12:30 and I sat until 5. I didn't see a thing. It seems that Tony was at the cadillac but I didn't hear him shoot either.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
You forgot what?!?! today I went pheasant hunting in Flatbrook. It was going to be an odd day for me because I didn't have Dani (she was at Joyce's house), I wouldn't have Greg it was just me and Bacci. I drove up to the sport shop right outside of Stokes to get some shells and then headed to my spot. I was a little when I got there I got my vest so I can put some shells in the vest. I noticed that I FORGOT MY HUNTING LICENSE AT HOME!! It was on my other coat that I wore deer hunting last week. I got in my truck and headed to come home. I was going to come home (an hour and 20 minute drive) and then head back to Berkshire Valley...not that I like it there, but Bacci really wanted to go hunting (and so did I) I was driving towards the sport shop I had a thought...I knew that I could get a replacement license, what about pheasant stamp? So I pulled in and asked the guy at the shop. YES!!! So, $4 later, I was back on my way to Flatbrook. I only arrived about 20 minutes after sunup. It wasn't too crowded on the way to my spot, but my parking lot had a lot of cars in it. I got out and Bacci and I walked all around. The usual spots. Then we headed up the hill...after circling the hill and going up top, Bacci got really birdy but didn't hold...he would point and then move, point and then move...what I didn't know was that there was a bird walking went up behind me...I did manage to get a shot off, but it was a lousy one and I knew I had no chance...we walked around some more and after a few hours called it a day.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Day two Muzzy!
When: December 2, 2008
Where: Club - Stand 13
Weather: Mostly cloudy - windy and cool, mid 30's
When: 1:30pm - 5:00pm
I had to attend a seminar at Morris County College this morning. Afterwards I went to the club and got to 13. I saw one doe at around 3:30 towards the middle of the field. She was about 150 yards away and I only saw her for a brief moment. At around 4:30 I heard a shot which I assumed was Bob. Once I got out of the stand I met up with Bob and it was him that shot. He shot at the "nice 8" but he said that it was a far shot and she shouldn't have probably taken it. He missed. He was in 18, I think. It's the one opposite the big feeder. That's around where Greg got his 4...I can't wait for an opportunity to get in that stand.
Where: Club - Stand 13
Weather: Mostly cloudy - windy and cool, mid 30's
When: 1:30pm - 5:00pm
I had to attend a seminar at Morris County College this morning. Afterwards I went to the club and got to 13. I saw one doe at around 3:30 towards the middle of the field. She was about 150 yards away and I only saw her for a brief moment. At around 4:30 I heard a shot which I assumed was Bob. Once I got out of the stand I met up with Bob and it was him that shot. He shot at the "nice 8" but he said that it was a far shot and she shouldn't have probably taken it. He missed. He was in 18, I think. It's the one opposite the big feeder. That's around where Greg got his 4...I can't wait for an opportunity to get in that stand.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Opening Day of Muzzy...
When: Monday, December 1st
Where: The club - Cadillac
When: 1:00 - 5:00
Weather: Cloudy, breezy, high 30's...occassional drizzle
This will be short and sweet...well, at least short. I got in the stand at 1...didn't see a out at dark. The end. I met Bob as I was checking out...he said that he hasn't seen anything the last few weeks. I know that two weeks ago Greg got a funky 4 at the club...and Bob said that there's a really nice 8 walking around. I'm going to 13 tonight to see if I can see him.
Where: The club - Cadillac
When: 1:00 - 5:00
Weather: Cloudy, breezy, high 30's...occassional drizzle
This will be short and sweet...well, at least short. I got in the stand at 1...didn't see a out at dark. The end. I met Bob as I was checking out...he said that he hasn't seen anything the last few weeks. I know that two weeks ago Greg got a funky 4 at the club...and Bob said that there's a really nice 8 walking around. I'm going to 13 tonight to see if I can see him.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Another super-crowded day!!
Well, it's the Saturday after Thanksgiving and the crowd never left! Again, it was super crowded...this time we left the truck early and got our normal starting spot. We walked a long time without seeing a bird. We finally got one up on the other side of the lake but it was flying over the lake so we didnt shoot. We went looking for it as we walked all the way around the lake and up into the woods but saw nothing. What a dismal stocking day. Still a great time, however
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Well, I waited a few days to write this so I'm sure it's going to be very short and probably not all that complete...however, with that said...WOW, what a crowd on Thanksgiving up at Flatbrook!! The parking lot was tripple parked so we decided to start out up the hill instead of braving the field. We heard a lot of shooting in the field, although we heard that only a few birds were there, but we saw not much on the hill. Bacci put up one hen in the pines that Greg got. He flushed a bird from the top of the hill but we weren't near him so we couldn't shoot and then one at the end that Joe shot but we couldn't recover. That was it. Then I headed home for some turkey dinner!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
It's cold!!
Today I went to Flatbrook with was only 16 degrees!! We started down the first field and Bacci was acting a little strangely. For some reason he didn't take off with his normal fervor...he just sort of walked along with us. We saw nothing in the first field, so we continued on and the second field was empty. Once we got to the back of the third field, along the swamp, Greg went inside the woods and I went along the edge. Bacci went on point and when I walked in, instead of the bird flying out, Bacci pulled her out. She was alive but shot in the down. As we walked along to the end of that patch, Bacci walked past a cockbird that took off...I called to Greg but not sure how far away he was I took him as he flew towards the river. We doubled back to the river side and Greg saw a cockbird along the river. We sent Bacci in and he pointed him...the bird, however, flew over the river so although Greg shot, he didn't really try to hit him...and he didn't. We continued walking along into the second field when I saw a cockbird get shot at and missed along the swamp...we decided to go in after him. As we crossed the field Bacci went on point. This was in the middle of the second field so we assumed it was a "used to be" but then as we walked into the spot Bacci was pointing a hen took off, directly at the sun, and Greg got off two shots...missing, so I threw a shot...but we both missed, barely seeing the bird in the sun. As we were talking about it, Bacci went on point again...assuming this was were the other bird was (and moved from) we didn't really think anything of it...until a hen took off...again, into the sun. Greg shot once and she went down... I couldn't see her at all. We walked around for a bit more but saw no more birds.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Rain, Rain, go away....
I went pheasant hunting today at Flatbrook with Daniella. It was unseasonably warm. When we left the house it was drizzling a bit but when we got on the road it started to downpour. I asked Dani if she wanted me to bring her back home and she said "we won't melt". When we got to the parking lot we were the only ones there...soon Greg, Amil and John showed up but when we pulled in there were at least 12 birds in the trees. We flushed a few out. We started out in the first field...Bacci pointed a cockbird that Dani saw first and I got him. We walked through the rest of the first field to the end and decided to double back. We worked the woods and then down along the river to the end. While we were at the last field we heard a cockbird cackling so we walked towards the swamp...we were searching for the bird and someone put up a hen from across the it flew towards us Greg got her. We went back along the river. At the end, it was really muddy and at one point Dani's boots got stuck...she panicked thinking that we were going to leave We worked back along the swamp and I thought that if the hen was still sitting hidden in the tree along the parking lot I was going to give Dani the opportunity to take her first bird. We got back to the parking lot and the bird was still there so I took Dani and got her ready to shoot. I could tell she was uneasy and it took a lot of coaxing. Finally, at the end, she got the gun up...took aim...clicked off the safety and said "Dad, I can't do it". She was afraid to shoot...afraid it would hurt her. I took the gun and Greg and I walked in to get the hen out of the tree. She flew off and I shot twice, Greg once and we both missed! lol. Dani was behind my truck crying...dissapointed in herself. I told her that I wasn't and that when she was ready she'll know. It started pouring again and we left.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Morning bird, evening deer...
When: Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Where: Morning, Berkshire Valley, Evening, Club - 13
Weather: Great in the morning...breezy in the evening, partly cloudy and low 40's
I started the day by heading to Berkshire Valley to do some pheasant hunting. During the first push I headed into the first field. Quickly after going in, there were guys starting to close in and there was a dog that wouldn't listen to his owner and wouldn't leave Bacci alone so I turned around. I went into the woods at the edge and Bacci kicked up a hen. Got her. Then we walked around for about an hour. On the way back to the truck from the first field, around 8, we passed a small clump right off the road. Bacci went on rock solid point. I didn't think there was anything there becuase aside from a thousand guys going through there, I had just met and talked with a guy that went through that area with two dogs. So, I walked up to Bacci and held him on point for a bit...I got my gun ready (just in case) and a cockbird took off and I got him. A great morning!!
Brought Bacci back home and then headed to the club for a long evening post. Started out going into the felt good but I didn't feel comfortable shooting out of that stand though so I quickly left there and went to 13. It was a great post but I saw nothing.
Where: Morning, Berkshire Valley, Evening, Club - 13
Weather: Great in the morning...breezy in the evening, partly cloudy and low 40's
I started the day by heading to Berkshire Valley to do some pheasant hunting. During the first push I headed into the first field. Quickly after going in, there were guys starting to close in and there was a dog that wouldn't listen to his owner and wouldn't leave Bacci alone so I turned around. I went into the woods at the edge and Bacci kicked up a hen. Got her. Then we walked around for about an hour. On the way back to the truck from the first field, around 8, we passed a small clump right off the road. Bacci went on rock solid point. I didn't think there was anything there becuase aside from a thousand guys going through there, I had just met and talked with a guy that went through that area with two dogs. So, I walked up to Bacci and held him on point for a bit...I got my gun ready (just in case) and a cockbird took off and I got him. A great morning!!
Brought Bacci back home and then headed to the club for a long evening post. Started out going into the felt good but I didn't feel comfortable shooting out of that stand though so I quickly left there and went to 13. It was a great post but I saw nothing.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Opening day pheasant!
Today was a very warm (in the 60's), overcast and drizzly day. We started at 8 because it was opening day and we heard birds cackling all over the place. We started in the first field and never got out. We went to the end and both Greg and I got a bird and then we doubled back and on the way back he and I got our second birds. I missed one additional and Greg missed three others...after we were done Bacci actually pointed three other birds...I think we had 11 flushes in all. It was quite an eventful morning and we were done in no time at all. Bacci did a great job finding and holding points. He also retrieved two birds for us.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Quick morning post...
When: November 1, 2008
Where: The club - big feeder stand
Weather: Just gorgeous...chilly (around 32) and beautiful
I was only able to get out for morning post because I have a gig tonight. I was the only one up at the club and decided to go to the big feeder stand so I can see what kind of movement the deer make. At around 7:15-7:30 I had either a spike or fork walk about 60 yards through the field towards the road. That was it and I got out of the stand around 9.
Where: The club - big feeder stand
Weather: Just gorgeous...chilly (around 32) and beautiful
I was only able to get out for morning post because I have a gig tonight. I was the only one up at the club and decided to go to the big feeder stand so I can see what kind of movement the deer make. At around 7:15-7:30 I had either a spike or fork walk about 60 yards through the field towards the road. That was it and I got out of the stand around 9.
Friday, October 24, 2008
My 7 pointer!!!
When: Friday, October 24, 2008
Where: The recycling center
Weather: Partly cloudy, windy and 50
When: 3:00 - 5:30
I went to the recycling center today. I decided to sit on the hill between the fat-man's stand and stand 2. At around 4:00 I saw a little spike and a six pointer about 40 yards away. I watched for about 10 minutes as they milled around...all of a sudden they ran off like a bat out of hello. Some guy walked in the woods right where the deer were...I whistled so he knew I was there and he set up about 75 yards away from me. At around 5:15 I saw a 7 pointer in around the same spot as the first two deer...he milled around for a bit and he was pretty much in between me and this other guy. All of a sudden this other guy starts to move...I'm thinking, what in the world is he doing...and he starts to get out of his tree. I see the buck starting to tense up so I draw just in case he runs towards me. All of a sudden the buck takes off, right for my stand. Before I can even make a noise to stop him, he stops right under my stand and I put one right through him.
After I saw this guy moving and start to get out of his stand, I shot the buck and couldn't see that guy anymore...I sat for a few minutes and I saw this guy walking towards where my deer ran. I got out of my tree, got my stuff together and started to follow the blood trail. As I'm doing s this guy starts walking towards me, blood all over his hands. He says "there's a seven pointer down there"...I asked if it was the same 7 pointer that I shot...he said that he was lookng for the deer that he shot. I said that I saw him the whole time and I didn't see him shoot. I asked him if he was followng his blood trail...he said he didn't have one...he said he couldn't find his arrow either. My buck had a total pass through and I found my bloody arrow...I told him that i wanted to see the deer...When I saw it, I knew it was the one that I shot and told him that. He said, 'ok, you can have it"...not even a fight...then he told me that he gutted it...I thanked him and I told him that I would help him look for his deer (although I was pretty sure there was no such deer)...but I helped him look. Then he took my picture, helped me drag the deer and then put it in my truck. The guy honestly couldn't have been nicer.
Where: The recycling center
Weather: Partly cloudy, windy and 50
When: 3:00 - 5:30
I went to the recycling center today. I decided to sit on the hill between the fat-man's stand and stand 2. At around 4:00 I saw a little spike and a six pointer about 40 yards away. I watched for about 10 minutes as they milled around...all of a sudden they ran off like a bat out of hello. Some guy walked in the woods right where the deer were...I whistled so he knew I was there and he set up about 75 yards away from me. At around 5:15 I saw a 7 pointer in around the same spot as the first two deer...he milled around for a bit and he was pretty much in between me and this other guy. All of a sudden this other guy starts to move...I'm thinking, what in the world is he doing...and he starts to get out of his tree. I see the buck starting to tense up so I draw just in case he runs towards me. All of a sudden the buck takes off, right for my stand. Before I can even make a noise to stop him, he stops right under my stand and I put one right through him.
After I saw this guy moving and start to get out of his stand, I shot the buck and couldn't see that guy anymore...I sat for a few minutes and I saw this guy walking towards where my deer ran. I got out of my tree, got my stuff together and started to follow the blood trail. As I'm doing s this guy starts walking towards me, blood all over his hands. He says "there's a seven pointer down there"...I asked if it was the same 7 pointer that I shot...he said that he was lookng for the deer that he shot. I said that I saw him the whole time and I didn't see him shoot. I asked him if he was followng his blood trail...he said he didn't have one...he said he couldn't find his arrow either. My buck had a total pass through and I found my bloody arrow...I told him that i wanted to see the deer...When I saw it, I knew it was the one that I shot and told him that. He said, 'ok, you can have it"...not even a fight...then he told me that he gutted it...I thanked him and I told him that I would help him look for his deer (although I was pretty sure there was no such deer)...but I helped him look. Then he took my picture, helped me drag the deer and then put it in my truck. The guy honestly couldn't have been nicer.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A nice buck behind me....
When: Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Where: Recylcing Center - Second spot
Weather: Very windy, mostly cloudy and 40 degrees
I got in the stand around 2:45. I couldn't decide whether to go to the fat-man's tree or the second spot. I chose the second spot because the last time I was there the deer came to me from that side. I got into the tree and just sat. The feeder was empty so I guess that guy hadn't been back in a while. Around 5:15 ish I turned and looked towards the fat-man's stand and I saw a deer. I stood and kept peeking over the back of me to watch it...I couldn't tell what it was but he worked towards me. I figured that he would come to the left side of my tree towards the feeder and I stood there still. I heard him right behind me and I didn't move...waiting. I caught movement out of my right side and saw a beautiful buck, I think it was a six or an eight walking down the path in the field. I used the call to try and get it to come back to me. He stopped the first time that I blew the call but kept on walking. He was the second deer in line, I don't know if he was following a doe or not but my call didn't entice him to come close!
Where: Recylcing Center - Second spot
Weather: Very windy, mostly cloudy and 40 degrees
I got in the stand around 2:45. I couldn't decide whether to go to the fat-man's tree or the second spot. I chose the second spot because the last time I was there the deer came to me from that side. I got into the tree and just sat. The feeder was empty so I guess that guy hadn't been back in a while. Around 5:15 ish I turned and looked towards the fat-man's stand and I saw a deer. I stood and kept peeking over the back of me to watch it...I couldn't tell what it was but he worked towards me. I figured that he would come to the left side of my tree towards the feeder and I stood there still. I heard him right behind me and I didn't move...waiting. I caught movement out of my right side and saw a beautiful buck, I think it was a six or an eight walking down the path in the field. I used the call to try and get it to come back to me. He stopped the first time that I blew the call but kept on walking. He was the second deer in line, I don't know if he was following a doe or not but my call didn't entice him to come close!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Cub Scouts,broken bow and a man with a dog!!
When: Friday, October 17, 2008
Where: Behind the community pool
Weather: Sunny, cool and beautiful!
Time: 2:30-7:00
This was the first time that I decided to try behind the community pool. The weather was outstanding. I got there and put my stand up...shimmied up the tree. As I was getting set I nocked an arrow and it felt wouldn't fit on the rest. I looked and saw that the cable guard had snapped. The arrow wouldn't clear the cable! I sat down, disgusted and tried to figure this out. I decided that I would try my field tipped flew semi-straight and decided that I would stay but only shoot at a nice buck and only if he was close. Around 4:00 I heard a noise to my right...I looked over and saw two little kids walking towards me. One chinese boy and one white girl. The girl was holding a bag...apparently they were picking up trash. I sat there and watched and as they got directly under my tree the girl noticed me and said surprised "oh, a man!". I started to chuckle. The boy said, "you huntin?" I said, "yup, you picking up trash?", he said "yup". I told them that they were doing a good job and they walked away. Shortly after they left I heard more of a commotion coming from the same area. I looked over and saw 3 mom's and about 10 kids. As they got closer one of the boys got stuck in the muck beneath my stand. He started to cry saying that he was scared, and one of the mom's tried to coax him out, yelling at him to take off his shoes. As this was going on the other part of the group walked under my stand. One of the mom's looked up and saw me and, as expected, I startled her too. She got the attention of all the kids and said "I don't want you to be afraid but there is a man in that tree over there....watching the woods". She explained to me that they were a cub scout troup. They stood around for a little while cleaning off the kid that was stuck (they finally got him out). While they did, the other kids couldn't stop staring at me...finally, as they were about to leave, one of them said "is Mr. Wilderness real?" The mom said yes and they walked off. Of course, I laughed about that all night. The woods started to finally quiet down, and about 6:15, when it was starting to get dark I saw two deer running from up on the hilltop. Didn't know why, though they had somehow seen me...shortly thereafter a man, smoking, was walking his dog. I watched as the dog walked under my stand, lifted his leg and took a leak and ran off. So much for this least it was interested.
Where: Behind the community pool
Weather: Sunny, cool and beautiful!
Time: 2:30-7:00
This was the first time that I decided to try behind the community pool. The weather was outstanding. I got there and put my stand up...shimmied up the tree. As I was getting set I nocked an arrow and it felt wouldn't fit on the rest. I looked and saw that the cable guard had snapped. The arrow wouldn't clear the cable! I sat down, disgusted and tried to figure this out. I decided that I would try my field tipped flew semi-straight and decided that I would stay but only shoot at a nice buck and only if he was close. Around 4:00 I heard a noise to my right...I looked over and saw two little kids walking towards me. One chinese boy and one white girl. The girl was holding a bag...apparently they were picking up trash. I sat there and watched and as they got directly under my tree the girl noticed me and said surprised "oh, a man!". I started to chuckle. The boy said, "you huntin?" I said, "yup, you picking up trash?", he said "yup". I told them that they were doing a good job and they walked away. Shortly after they left I heard more of a commotion coming from the same area. I looked over and saw 3 mom's and about 10 kids. As they got closer one of the boys got stuck in the muck beneath my stand. He started to cry saying that he was scared, and one of the mom's tried to coax him out, yelling at him to take off his shoes. As this was going on the other part of the group walked under my stand. One of the mom's looked up and saw me and, as expected, I startled her too. She got the attention of all the kids and said "I don't want you to be afraid but there is a man in that tree over there....watching the woods". She explained to me that they were a cub scout troup. They stood around for a little while cleaning off the kid that was stuck (they finally got him out). While they did, the other kids couldn't stop staring at me...finally, as they were about to leave, one of them said "is Mr. Wilderness real?" The mom said yes and they walked off. Of course, I laughed about that all night. The woods started to finally quiet down, and about 6:15, when it was starting to get dark I saw two deer running from up on the hilltop. Didn't know why, though they had somehow seen me...shortly thereafter a man, smoking, was walking his dog. I watched as the dog walked under my stand, lifted his leg and took a leak and ran off. So much for this least it was interested.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
One far, far away...
When: Saturday, October 11, 2008
Where: The club, swamp stand
Weather: Gorgeous, but warm in the sun (around 70)
Time: Evening post
I went to Dani's soccer game and Gianna's softball games in the morning and got to the club by around 2. Tony, Greg and Brad were there so I hung around and talked to them for a while. They apparently had been there all day and were just relaxing. I went to the swamp stand and it's a neat little set up, but I was in the direct sun the whole time and I sweat by butt off! The sun finally went down over the trees and I saw one doe walking near the upper corner of the field. She went back into the brush and I never saw her again. The rest of the guys saw deer...Tony let does walk, Greg had two spikes and some does at 13 (just not close enough) and Brad shot at a deer from 5 and hit a tree.
Where: The club, swamp stand
Weather: Gorgeous, but warm in the sun (around 70)
Time: Evening post
I went to Dani's soccer game and Gianna's softball games in the morning and got to the club by around 2. Tony, Greg and Brad were there so I hung around and talked to them for a while. They apparently had been there all day and were just relaxing. I went to the swamp stand and it's a neat little set up, but I was in the direct sun the whole time and I sweat by butt off! The sun finally went down over the trees and I saw one doe walking near the upper corner of the field. She went back into the brush and I never saw her again. The rest of the guys saw deer...Tony let does walk, Greg had two spikes and some does at 13 (just not close enough) and Brad shot at a deer from 5 and hit a tree.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Can't find her....
When: October 2, 2008
Were: The tennis courts
Weather: Slightly overcast, chilly and windy
Time: 3:00 - 7:00
I got set up in my tree around 3. Almost as soon as I was set up I saw a deer coming from the houses...she stopped at each stand on her way to mine. When she was at the middle stand something spooked her and she took off towards the houses. Around 5:30 a doe came right down to the corn that was left near the second's a 25 yard shot. I waited...calmed myself and waited for her to turn broadside. I don't know if it was because she was half hidden by a tree or if it was brush or if I suck, but I hit her high and back...away she ran. I got out of my stand and found blood...some of it good. I searched for close to two hours and couldn't find her. I went back the next morning to continue my search...about an hour and a half later and I still couldn't find her. I'm sick over it.
Were: The tennis courts
Weather: Slightly overcast, chilly and windy
Time: 3:00 - 7:00
I got set up in my tree around 3. Almost as soon as I was set up I saw a deer coming from the houses...she stopped at each stand on her way to mine. When she was at the middle stand something spooked her and she took off towards the houses. Around 5:30 a doe came right down to the corn that was left near the second's a 25 yard shot. I waited...calmed myself and waited for her to turn broadside. I don't know if it was because she was half hidden by a tree or if it was brush or if I suck, but I hit her high and back...away she ran. I got out of my stand and found blood...some of it good. I searched for close to two hours and couldn't find her. I went back the next morning to continue my search...about an hour and a half later and I still couldn't find her. I'm sick over it.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
First evening at the club...
When: Saturday, September 27, 2008
Where: The club - stand 13
Weather: Impending storm...overcast, slightly warm
Time: 3:00 - 7:00
I went to the club in the afternoon. I was the only one there, I saw that Bob had been there in the morning because his name was on the stand 13 sticker, but he wasn't there. I got in the stand and by about 3:15 two does came tearing across the field from the riverside. Obviously spooked by something but I don't know what. Then at around 4:30 a button buck came down the road, across my stand and to the feeder...I sat and watched him for a little bit and then he left. Around 5:30-6:00 there was a spike that came from "up the hill"...meandered around in the field and then went up into the brush. He never showed any interest in the feeder at all. That was all I saw.
Where: The club - stand 13
Weather: Impending storm...overcast, slightly warm
Time: 3:00 - 7:00
I went to the club in the afternoon. I was the only one there, I saw that Bob had been there in the morning because his name was on the stand 13 sticker, but he wasn't there. I got in the stand and by about 3:15 two does came tearing across the field from the riverside. Obviously spooked by something but I don't know what. Then at around 4:30 a button buck came down the road, across my stand and to the feeder...I sat and watched him for a little bit and then he left. Around 5:30-6:00 there was a spike that came from "up the hill"...meandered around in the field and then went up into the brush. He never showed any interest in the feeder at all. That was all I saw.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Same two bucks...
When: September 25, 2008
Where: Recycling Center - Fat man's stand
Weather: Windy and overcast (a storm approaching)
When: 3:00 - 7:00
I got in the stand at around 3. It was nice and cool and the breeze was blowing, the weather channel said to about 15 mph but it was gusty. I saw the typical...squirrels and turkeys. At around 5:30 a guy came walking up the path to bait the stand that I sat in on Tuesday...AT 5:30!! Are you kidding me!! He was there until about 5:50...drove me nuts!! Soon after he left, however, the small 4 and the big 5 (which I'm not calling a 4 1/2) came up to my stand. They were nervous and jerkey...but so were the turkeys and squirrels too. They came in from the stand that the guy was baiting, stayed for a minute and then walked back the same way. That was all I saw for the rest of the night.
Where: Recycling Center - Fat man's stand
Weather: Windy and overcast (a storm approaching)
When: 3:00 - 7:00
I got in the stand at around 3. It was nice and cool and the breeze was blowing, the weather channel said to about 15 mph but it was gusty. I saw the typical...squirrels and turkeys. At around 5:30 a guy came walking up the path to bait the stand that I sat in on Tuesday...AT 5:30!! Are you kidding me!! He was there until about 5:50...drove me nuts!! Soon after he left, however, the small 4 and the big 5 (which I'm not calling a 4 1/2) came up to my stand. They were nervous and jerkey...but so were the turkeys and squirrels too. They came in from the stand that the guy was baiting, stayed for a minute and then walked back the same way. That was all I saw for the rest of the night.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Hey, that's my tree!
Date: September 23, 2008
Weather: slightly warm and sunny
Where: Recycling center
When: 3:00 - 7:20
I went to the recycling center this afternoon. When I got there there were no other cars so I made my way in. While I was getting dressed there were two guys in the parking lot. They were cutting down brush at the power lines. They said they just "chased a big 8 pointer". I went into the woods and set up where I did on opening morning. By the time I made it up the tree I was sweating and I finally settled in. Just then some big fat guy walked up to me and said "you're in my tree". I said "I'm sorry, I didn't know this was YOUR tree" He said "my rope is on the tree and my camera is on the other tree" I said "ok, but I learned for next year"...he said that there is plenty of deer and you could go right down the hill from here. I was going to make an issue but didn't want to give myself any trouble with Det. Dobbins so I went to the other stand. At around 4 I saw a fox that walked under my stand...I also had a bunch of turkeys come by again. At around 6 ish I had a small 4 pointer come to my stand and spend almost an hour eating under my stand. He left just before dark. I started to pack up when it started getting dark and a really nice bodied 4 came may have been a 5...his body was really nice. It was really dark though. The fat guy said that he's seen 4 8-pointers running around there so I didn't want to take the 5...we'll see how things work out as time goes on. I'm hoping to get back there on Thursday if the weather holds up.
Weather: slightly warm and sunny
Where: Recycling center
When: 3:00 - 7:20
I went to the recycling center this afternoon. When I got there there were no other cars so I made my way in. While I was getting dressed there were two guys in the parking lot. They were cutting down brush at the power lines. They said they just "chased a big 8 pointer". I went into the woods and set up where I did on opening morning. By the time I made it up the tree I was sweating and I finally settled in. Just then some big fat guy walked up to me and said "you're in my tree". I said "I'm sorry, I didn't know this was YOUR tree" He said "my rope is on the tree and my camera is on the other tree" I said "ok, but I learned for next year"...he said that there is plenty of deer and you could go right down the hill from here. I was going to make an issue but didn't want to give myself any trouble with Det. Dobbins so I went to the other stand. At around 4 I saw a fox that walked under my stand...I also had a bunch of turkeys come by again. At around 6 ish I had a small 4 pointer come to my stand and spend almost an hour eating under my stand. He left just before dark. I started to pack up when it started getting dark and a really nice bodied 4 came may have been a 5...his body was really nice. It was really dark though. The fat guy said that he's seen 4 8-pointers running around there so I didn't want to take the 5...we'll see how things work out as time goes on. I'm hoping to get back there on Thursday if the weather holds up.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
First day at the club...
Where: Club, stand 13
When: Sat. Sept 20
Time: 5:45 - 9:00
Weather: foggy and chilly
I met up with Bob, Tony and Brad at the club this morning. I went to stand 13 to sit for the morning post. I didn't see a thing. Tony was across the field at what he calls the "secret stand" and he saw a doe. Bob and Brad didn't see anything. Apparently, on opening week Tony got one, Greg shot and couldn't find and Bob shot and couldn't find...I think Brad has one. I'm going to hopefully go out again on 9-23 and 9-25.
When: Sat. Sept 20
Time: 5:45 - 9:00
Weather: foggy and chilly
I met up with Bob, Tony and Brad at the club this morning. I went to stand 13 to sit for the morning post. I didn't see a thing. Tony was across the field at what he calls the "secret stand" and he saw a doe. Bob and Brad didn't see anything. Apparently, on opening week Tony got one, Greg shot and couldn't find and Bob shot and couldn't find...I think Brad has one. I'm going to hopefully go out again on 9-23 and 9-25.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Pin cushion doe
Date: September 16, 2008
Place: MP tennis courts
Time: 3:30 - dark
Weather: overcast, cooler - in the low 70's
I got set up in my stand by 3:30. Almost immediately I saw four deer, I think they were does, about 70 yards away. Apparently another guy has a stand up there but he wasn't there. They picked around near that I think he has a feeder up there. They never came down to me. At around 6:00, I saw some deer meanerding around near the same stand as the others. They only stayed for a bit and then started working towards me. I had one doe come close and stare at me...she was tucked in some brush so I wasn't able to get a shot and she was with another small deer...not sure if it was a bb because he looked like he tried to mount her. She cautiously walked away and others were starting to surround me. There must have been 8-10 deer. One doe came in close, maybe 10 yards and turned. She was between broadside and quartering towards and I shot. She immediately went down. The shot was high and above the shoulder. Now I started to shake from the nerves/excitment. I took another arrow to put her out and I hit her in the backside, behind the belly but in front of the back legs. Oh my God, now I'm gettin frustrated...I took yet another arrow and nailed her right in the heart...she died immediately. When I went to check her in at Frank's, I saw the most amazing 12-point buck ever. He had double brow tines and a two drop tines.
Place: MP tennis courts
Time: 3:30 - dark
Weather: overcast, cooler - in the low 70's
I got set up in my stand by 3:30. Almost immediately I saw four deer, I think they were does, about 70 yards away. Apparently another guy has a stand up there but he wasn't there. They picked around near that I think he has a feeder up there. They never came down to me. At around 6:00, I saw some deer meanerding around near the same stand as the others. They only stayed for a bit and then started working towards me. I had one doe come close and stare at me...she was tucked in some brush so I wasn't able to get a shot and she was with another small deer...not sure if it was a bb because he looked like he tried to mount her. She cautiously walked away and others were starting to surround me. There must have been 8-10 deer. One doe came in close, maybe 10 yards and turned. She was between broadside and quartering towards and I shot. She immediately went down. The shot was high and above the shoulder. Now I started to shake from the nerves/excitment. I took another arrow to put her out and I hit her in the backside, behind the belly but in front of the back legs. Oh my God, now I'm gettin frustrated...I took yet another arrow and nailed her right in the heart...she died immediately. When I went to check her in at Frank's, I saw the most amazing 12-point buck ever. He had double brow tines and a two drop tines.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Opening day, Bow 2008
Place: The Recycling Center
Time: 5:00am - 11:45pm
Weather: It rained the night before and started out cloudy and muggy and foggy. The sun came out and it was soupy.
I got into the tree at around 5am. I did see someone else come in with thier flashlight and I shone mine at them once or twice and I'm assuming they just got up in the tree. At daybreak, I had a hen turkey clucking around me. She started to yelp a few times too. At around 7:00ish I had a spike come up from down below and up towards my tree. He spotted me as I wasn't very high in the tree and walked around me. Shortly afterwards, a 4 pointer came up the same trail. He also saw me after feeding for a bit but wasn't overly concerned. The spike walked away once the 4 got there. After a minute or two the 4 walked away, unspooked. Soon after the 4 left 4 jakes came by. They fed there for a while and then walked away but stayed in the area for the whole morning walking back and forth feeding. A while later they were joined by a long beard and two hens...they all hung out until I had to get down from the stand around 11:30. Then they hurried off, but they didn't freak. I had a band gig so I couldn't go out in the afternoon. I'm hoping to go on Tuesday, Sept 16
Time: 5:00am - 11:45pm
Weather: It rained the night before and started out cloudy and muggy and foggy. The sun came out and it was soupy.
I got into the tree at around 5am. I did see someone else come in with thier flashlight and I shone mine at them once or twice and I'm assuming they just got up in the tree. At daybreak, I had a hen turkey clucking around me. She started to yelp a few times too. At around 7:00ish I had a spike come up from down below and up towards my tree. He spotted me as I wasn't very high in the tree and walked around me. Shortly afterwards, a 4 pointer came up the same trail. He also saw me after feeding for a bit but wasn't overly concerned. The spike walked away once the 4 got there. After a minute or two the 4 walked away, unspooked. Soon after the 4 left 4 jakes came by. They fed there for a while and then walked away but stayed in the area for the whole morning walking back and forth feeding. A while later they were joined by a long beard and two hens...they all hung out until I had to get down from the stand around 11:30. Then they hurried off, but they didn't freak. I had a band gig so I couldn't go out in the afternoon. I'm hoping to go on Tuesday, Sept 16
Friday, September 12, 2008
Tomorrow is opener!!
Well, it's finally here! BOW SEASON!! I am going to go to the recycling center. I had a little bit of an issue there this week. I went to go check it out and there was a cam and a feeder hung were I was going to hunt. So I left a note on the tree for the guy to call me. Luckily he did and said he wasn't going there on opening morning so I'll be there. There are at least two other guys on this property but I'm going to try it anyway. I also have been looking at the property behind the tennis courts and pool. The area behind the tennis courts looks good, I saw tracks there and deer there after the meeting. I was concerned about hunting too close to houses but Ed Dobbins told me that I'm far enough away and that I could hunt near the pool house if I wanted to as well. So...I'll hopfully be able to write with some good news...I'm also going to try and film my hunt too...that's if the weather's raining now.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Getting close!
So here's an update of what's been going on. Last weekend (8/16/08) the bow shoot at Whittingham with Daniella. We met up with Tony, Bob and Brad and Brad had a friend there too. It was a lot of fun and I actually shot really, really well. I'm very happy. I even hit the 45 yarder. Only lost two arrows and learned, dont' shoot on your knees under a log! lol.
Today (8/22/08) I took a walk in in the recyling area. I wanted to fine tune where I will most likely be on opening morning and I brought my ranger finder too, I wanted to make sure I wasn't too close to the houses. I walked up the path and just about past the power towers I walked in the woods. I happened to see a deer, she was trying not to be seen, but I clocked her at about 75 yards away. I walked up and towards the front. When I got about even with the tower I saw a good spot. I saw some droppings there and there was obviouly a walk way there as well. So, that's probably were I'll be. It's well away from all the houses and I've seen deer there every time.
Today (8/22/08) I took a walk in in the recyling area. I wanted to fine tune where I will most likely be on opening morning and I brought my ranger finder too, I wanted to make sure I wasn't too close to the houses. I walked up the path and just about past the power towers I walked in the woods. I happened to see a deer, she was trying not to be seen, but I clocked her at about 75 yards away. I walked up and towards the front. When I got about even with the tower I saw a good spot. I saw some droppings there and there was obviouly a walk way there as well. So, that's probably were I'll be. It's well away from all the houses and I've seen deer there every time.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
To the club...
Went to meet Tony on Saturday. Yes, it IS my birthday, but I went to go meet Tony so I could pay him. We looked at a few stands that he had worked on the week prior. After that, Tony left and I went to the big feeder stand to do a little shooting. I actually did horribly!! I was missing everything high and to the right. I'm not sure, but I think that it's my form when shooting from the stand...something just didn't feel right.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Just a mid-summer update
Yeah, I know it's summer time, but that doesn't stop me from thinking about hunting every day! I still go out and shoot my bow almost every day...I try for at least 5 times a week. I'm getting pretty good with it too...I have some off days, but most of the time I'm hitting the zone. I've picked up the application form for the Morris Plains property and am sending it in today. I've spoken to Tony about dues, they are due at the end of this month and will be $250. I told Tony that if he goes to the shoot in August with Greg I would like to go as well and that I'm available before then to hang stands, etc. I guess that's it for an update...i'll hopefully have more to add before the season starts.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I know it's summer but...
I've still been obsessing over hunting! I passed by the Recycling spot today and a turkey crossed the road and went up to where I'm thinking about being on opening day. I also have been shooting just about every day and I'm starting to really get good! Talked to Tony this week...dues are due and they are $250 this year. I told him that I would like to go to the shoot with him and Greg this year...and if they want to get together to work on stands to call me. I picked up the application yesterday from the police so that I could hunt the town property. I think that's it for now...I'll continue to obsess.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Walking around MP again!
I think I'm going to make this entry my official property log, this way I can record how the properties were when I visited them. Today I went to Recycle. I will try and update this when I visit each property. Below is the Summary:
Sunset 1: This is a pretty big, and nice piece of property. Now I know why it's the most hunted. I walked down the hill and entered a nice the edge of the field I saw a bunch of tracks. I was afraid of getting too ticky so I didn't go too far in...(and to be honest, the parade bear certainly was in my mind). I started walking towards the end of the field and started to get bottled up near the rivers and saw this mangy looking thing walking on the other side. It was hunchbacked looking, looked sort of bald...dark in color. Almost like a coyote with no hair...or one of those things from lion king. This peice of property had a lot of promise though. If I had to go in on opening morning, I would make my way to the left of the field, where the field meets the river.
Sunset 2: This is a small peice. The back is a pond/stream and it's bordering the crazies. It wasn't anything to really write home about other than it was pretty. I didn't see any sign of deer. It did have a path going through it as though kids walk through or ride bikes through it all the time...think Walnut Street.
Court/Work: This is a small peice that reminds me of a dump. Not much there.
Recycle: This is a nice peice that runs up the powerlines. I saw some nice promising runs, a lot of acorn trees and I saw a doe walking through the property. Didn't spook her too badly either. If I had to hunt here on opening morning, I would walk up the power lines to the double thingy on my right...then cut in on the left.
Briarcliff: Took a walk around Briarcliff today (5/23/08). It was a really nice has a walking trail that when you follow it, takes you to Recycle. I went up the trail to the powerlines and saw a deer walking towards Recycle. I turned around (didn't cross the field) and walked in and around the woods. I really didn't see much sign, maybe a few runs, but mostly it was just woods with turned up leaves.
Sun Valley: Took a really short walk on this today (5/28). I didn't even really walk to far in to the woods. It's not as big as I had thought by looking at the map. More on it later when I can walk it.
Community court: I suppose I was half-way between pool and court today (5/30). I parked in the parking lot up by the pool and walked into the woods on the parking lot. There really isn't much space there...houses as soon as you get in the woods. I walked the perimiter of the lot and followed some tracks and saw some droppings. I followed it around and there was some nice woods near the road...I think it's far enough from houses (right on the road however) . Then I walked behind the pool...see below
Community pool: Walked behind the pool and it buts up to the lake with a small walk through opening. It was mushy but there were a ton of tracks there. I didn't walk up in to the woods there, but stopped at the walk through. It would be a great spot if it wasn't too close to the pool house...i'll have to check that out.
Sunset 1: This is a pretty big, and nice piece of property. Now I know why it's the most hunted. I walked down the hill and entered a nice the edge of the field I saw a bunch of tracks. I was afraid of getting too ticky so I didn't go too far in...(and to be honest, the parade bear certainly was in my mind). I started walking towards the end of the field and started to get bottled up near the rivers and saw this mangy looking thing walking on the other side. It was hunchbacked looking, looked sort of bald...dark in color. Almost like a coyote with no hair...or one of those things from lion king. This peice of property had a lot of promise though. If I had to go in on opening morning, I would make my way to the left of the field, where the field meets the river.
Sunset 2: This is a small peice. The back is a pond/stream and it's bordering the crazies. It wasn't anything to really write home about other than it was pretty. I didn't see any sign of deer. It did have a path going through it as though kids walk through or ride bikes through it all the time...think Walnut Street.
Court/Work: This is a small peice that reminds me of a dump. Not much there.
Recycle: This is a nice peice that runs up the powerlines. I saw some nice promising runs, a lot of acorn trees and I saw a doe walking through the property. Didn't spook her too badly either. If I had to hunt here on opening morning, I would walk up the power lines to the double thingy on my right...then cut in on the left.
Briarcliff: Took a walk around Briarcliff today (5/23/08). It was a really nice has a walking trail that when you follow it, takes you to Recycle. I went up the trail to the powerlines and saw a deer walking towards Recycle. I turned around (didn't cross the field) and walked in and around the woods. I really didn't see much sign, maybe a few runs, but mostly it was just woods with turned up leaves.
Sun Valley: Took a really short walk on this today (5/28). I didn't even really walk to far in to the woods. It's not as big as I had thought by looking at the map. More on it later when I can walk it.
Community court: I suppose I was half-way between pool and court today (5/30). I parked in the parking lot up by the pool and walked into the woods on the parking lot. There really isn't much space there...houses as soon as you get in the woods. I walked the perimiter of the lot and followed some tracks and saw some droppings. I followed it around and there was some nice woods near the road...I think it's far enough from houses (right on the road however) . Then I walked behind the pool...see below
Community pool: Walked behind the pool and it buts up to the lake with a small walk through opening. It was mushy but there were a ton of tracks there. I didn't walk up in to the woods there, but stopped at the walk through. It would be a great spot if it wasn't too close to the pool house...i'll have to check that out.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Took a walk today
I decided to put the properties in Morris Plains in my GPS and take a walk as well. I went to the first one that Ed brought me too, I named it Sunshine and took a walk "behind the pond" There wasn't much room and I didn't see any sign. It was pretty though. I took a ride to the one near my complex (forgot what I named it), but it was thick and there wasn't much too it (other than the tick that I picked up on my leg). I'll have to go out and check out the other properties too.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Ok...can you say EXCITED!!
Today I got a call from Detective Ed Dobbins and he said, "hey, keith..can you get out". I said I'll meet you downstairs. A few minutes later he pulls up and hands me a map. He said for me to get in my truck and follow him and he proceeded to show me all the properties. SWEET! I said to him "so Ed, what are the chances of me getting in this hunt" He said "Oh..Keith, you're in it already". I told him that I loved him. LMAO. I am so excited I can't see straight. I can't wait to start looking around at the properties...when is deer season? 123 days away!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Morris Plains Cull hunt
Ok, can you say EXCITED!! My mom told me that she saw something in the paper about deer hunting in Morristown. I figured that it was Great Swamp but I went on line anyway to check. When I did I saw an article and they were talking about local hunts in Morristown, Morris Plains, Hanover, etc. So I called up the Morris Plains police for more info and was given to the voicemail of Detective Ed Dobbins. I KNOW HIM!! So, I left a message and he called me back. He said that there are a few spots and about 20 hunters. He said that they were going to get rid of 8-10 because they didn't really participate but that the other hunters got 57 deer!! He told me to give him a call in July and that he'll get me on. WOO F-ING HOO!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Last day of 2008 turkey for me :(
I decided to work on Wednesday and Thursday and head back to the woods on Friday. I decided to start on the Cadillac stand side of the property because that where I've seen the most sign and heard the most gobbling. I forgot to mention that all along the side of the hill there are scratching signs. So I set up there and as the sun rose I started calling...nothing. I sat and called for almost an hour...nada! I decided it was time to move. I went to the first big field and setup halfway down the field. I called and heard a gobble from, what sounded like, the next field over. I got myself set and saw movement from my left. Next I see 6 deer walking cautiously towards my decoy...snorting and stomping the whole way. They stared at the decoy and snorted and then would run away...then run back and do it again. This went on for about 20 minutes...was really cool to watch. No turkey I got up and went to another spot. I floated around the property calling and waiting at a few different places. When I finally had enough I was pulling out of the property to head back to the Cadillac side I saw two birds in the middle of the swamp field. I hurried and parked at the end of the road and scurried into the big field next to the swamp field. I called and got no response. After a while I could see one of the birds up towards the top of the swamp field, right on the edge of the road and the pit. I got in my truck and went to the top of the field. I got out and saw a hen walking across the road. I walked towards the hedgerow and saw two jakes in the hedge. I walked towards them and as I got closer they walked away...staying in the hedgerow. When we got to the end I was convinced that they would come across the road...they didn't! They high tailed it out of the hedgerow, across the field and out of site. I went back to the truck and made one last ditch effort at the Cadillac stand before leaving for the day (I did see a hen driving into the cadillac side) but no calls, no turkey and thus ends another season...with no turkey to show for it.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Turkey Day Two
Well, today was less exciting than yesterday. I started out in the first field and heard nothing. I did hear a gobble or two by the cadillac stand so I took my stuff and headed over there. I first picked my way around near stand 5, because I wasn't sure if they were all the way at the cadillac or making thier way. So, after not seeing or hearing anything at 5 I headed over to Cadillac. On my way there I saw a few birds on the horse farm...then when I set up in the woods I heard two gobblers on the other side of the ravine, in the horse farm. They would gobble every so often but not to my call...only to what sounded like a bird (but not a turkey, don't know what kind of bird). After about 45 minutes of that they went totally silent. I waited there for at least another half hour but nothing. I thought that maybe they had taken off towards the fields so I left and went to go back to the first field. On my way in, I saw a hen run from the field on stand 10 to the horse farm. I set up in the big field again but nothing. I left there and went to the bottom and called there for abit, then worked my way up the hedgerow a little at a time. I saw Bob in his work truck and he said that he saw 4 or 5 birds making their way towards were I was sitting this morning right after I left...figures! I went back to cadillac and finished the day there. All in all, it was a quiet morning.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Day one, turkey
Place: The Club
Weather: Clear and chilly one for turkey winds down. I set up at first light over near the Cadillac stand. I heard gobbling and think I saw a bird fly off the roost on the other side of the gully from where I was set up. Although I did hear gobbles while on the roost, once they flew down I didn't hear anything else. I left there and went to the other side of the property. When I went over near the sign in board I saw Bob in the first field. I stopped to talk to him and he had shot at a bird. He didn't get it though. I did hear a few more gobbles and set up in the field he was just in. Nothing happened so I moved from there and went across the road to "bob's feeder". Nothing there at all and I worked around up near that feeder and upwards to the field that connects to cadillac. Nothing. Went down to the top of the road and set up. I heard a few gobbling down from the first field (or near there). I snuck downwards towards that field and got to the top of the woods that are connected to the field. I set up and would hear intermittent gobbling back to my calls. Then they went silent. I waited and called for another half hour but nothing happened. I went to get my decoy and there were two birds coming up the pathway. I spooked them and they left into the brush. I sat for another 20 minutes or so but they didn't come back. I saw them heading towards the cemetary from the field I was in (just on the other side). Disgusted I came out and saw that there was another truck in the parking spot. I drove over to the Cadillac again but heard Jeff calling so I left. I sat in the big field again but saw nothing. I saw Jeff coming out so we chatted...he saw a few birds...two jakes and two long beards but he didn't get anything. I left, it was around 10:30.
Weather: Clear and chilly one for turkey winds down. I set up at first light over near the Cadillac stand. I heard gobbling and think I saw a bird fly off the roost on the other side of the gully from where I was set up. Although I did hear gobbles while on the roost, once they flew down I didn't hear anything else. I left there and went to the other side of the property. When I went over near the sign in board I saw Bob in the first field. I stopped to talk to him and he had shot at a bird. He didn't get it though. I did hear a few more gobbles and set up in the field he was just in. Nothing happened so I moved from there and went across the road to "bob's feeder". Nothing there at all and I worked around up near that feeder and upwards to the field that connects to cadillac. Nothing. Went down to the top of the road and set up. I heard a few gobbling down from the first field (or near there). I snuck downwards towards that field and got to the top of the woods that are connected to the field. I set up and would hear intermittent gobbling back to my calls. Then they went silent. I waited and called for another half hour but nothing happened. I went to get my decoy and there were two birds coming up the pathway. I spooked them and they left into the brush. I sat for another 20 minutes or so but they didn't come back. I saw them heading towards the cemetary from the field I was in (just on the other side). Disgusted I came out and saw that there was another truck in the parking spot. I drove over to the Cadillac again but heard Jeff calling so I left. I sat in the big field again but saw nothing. I saw Jeff coming out so we chatted...he saw a few birds...two jakes and two long beards but he didn't get anything. I left, it was around 10:30.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Turkey Day Monday!!
I really don't have much to report other than Monday is April 14th which is opening day of Turkey!! It's suppsed to be drizzly or rainy and otherwise overcast. Wednesday on will be I'm probably going on Monday (without a doubt) and then depending on the weather and how I do Monday, either go back to work on Tuesday or just go back to work Wednesday...then back to hunting Thursday and Friday. Can't wait!! I'm really hoping it doesn't rain because aside from hunting, I want to bring my camera and new camera mount for the gun. Should be fun!! GOBBLE GOBBLE.
Turkey Day Monday!!
I really don't have much to report other than Monday is April 14th which is opening day of Turkey!! It's suppsed to be drizzly or rainy and otherwise overcast. Wednesday on will be I'm probably going on Monday (without a doubt) and then depending on the weather and how I do Monday, either go back to work on Tuesday or just go back to work Wednesday...then back to hunting Thursday and Friday. Can't wait!! I'm really hoping it doesn't rain because aside from hunting, I want to bring my camera and new camera mount for the gun. Should be fun!! GOBBLE GOBBLE.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Getting ready for Turkey, etc
So it's the "off" season...that means that I'm not in the woods hunting, but I haven't stopped thinking about hunting for a minute! I recently bought a gun/bow camera mount...that should be fun as far as taping my hunts. I can't wait to try it with turkey season. Speaking of taping my hunts, I made a DVD with the footage I shot this year...for my first try I don't think it came out that bad. Mostly it was the day that I went hunting with Danny and Uncle Sonny. I also just ordered a dozen carbon arrows. I'm finally making the leap. I'm shooting my bow every day, just a few shots, but it's just about every day and I like the way it shoots a lot. I wish that I was shooting tighter groups but I'm hoping that with the carbons I will have more consistancy.
I did find out that I got my turkey permit...Area 9 (the club) week A (April 14-18). I can't wait...after the first day or two I'll decide if I want to buy a "leftover" permit for another week.
I did find out that I got my turkey permit...Area 9 (the club) week A (April 14-18). I can't wait...after the first day or two I'll decide if I want to buy a "leftover" permit for another week.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Not much, but Spring is coming!
There's really not much going on...I've been shooting my bow every day. Just a shot to two most mornings, but it's something. I'm only shooting at around 18 yards right now because I haven't had the time to sight in the further pins. I'm hoping to go to the club this weekend to get my stand and if I do I'll bring my bow and do some shooting there as well. I also ordered the Bow/Gun camera mount. Can't wait to see if I can tape me hunting...speaking of hunting...spring is around the corner and that means TURKEY SEASON!! I can't wait. In fact, I think I'll check right now to see if I received my permit. Nope. Write more later.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
My new baby
This is sort of a continuation on my story of my baby.
A few weeks ago I went to Frank's Tackle "shop around" and I shot the Black Ice...I sort of knew what I wanted when I went in there and when I shot it I fell in love. I can't wait to hunt with I went home, went to Ebay and bought a pretty good deal too. I paid $500 for it. I brought it to Targeteers to get a once over, and do some minor work on and they are putting on a loop, kisser and fixing the draw length. Right now I'm at 29" and with a loop, that would be too long so they are shortening it. Of course, they have to order another module to do that. I can't wait to go pick it up and then really shoot with it (other than the two arrows I flung).
Thursday, February 7, 2008
My new Bow!!!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Third deer for 2007-2008
I went out today just for an afternoon post. I went to the Cadillac stand, it was nice because I could see for a long way. It was a beautiful the mid-40's and sunny. At 4:00 I saw two does from across the ravine. They were far and they walked towards the big field, away from me. At around 4:40 a single doe was across the ravine and walking towards me. I put up my gun, looked at her through the scope and just watched. I saw her walk down the ravine on the other side and thought that she was going to walk down the ravine towards the big field as the other two does did. Instead she started walking up the ravine towards me. I kept my scope on her and she new something wasn't right...I don't think she winded me because I was downwind of her, but perhaps she saw me...she was just acting as though something wasn't right. She wasn't going to bolt though. She stopped, and gave me a quartering towards shot, so I took it and down she went. I saw her kick for literally 30 seconds and then expire. Ok, now I have to drag her UP the hill. Shooting her on the bottom wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done. Especially because I didn't have a drag rope with me. I did finally get her up and out to my truck but I was really humping it. She was a very big doe.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
The Drive...
Well, I wasn't planning on doing any hunting today. The band is playing tonight and I really could use the rest...but Tony called and said that the guys were getting together for a drive. Now, not only was I not planning on hunting, but I'm not really that big into driving deer. I think it screws up the property and not as nice, peaceful and in my opinion, sportsmanlike as sitting for deer. But if the guys are going to screw up the club, they aren't going to do it without me! So, I met them at 9am. It was me, Tony, Greg, Jeff and Bob. Our first drive was the pit/swamp near the front of the property. I sat at the edge of the field (just about where I took the shot at the doe in my underwear). Tony sat, Greg sat and Jeff and Bob drove. They said that they saw two does but they never came out of the pit. We then moved to the pit near where I shot my buck. Again I sat, this time right were I shot my buck from, Bob sat, Tony sat and Jeff sat (I just realized it would be less time to say who the driver was!). Anyway...nothing there either. The next drive was across the road. I sat in The Cadillac and Jeff drove. Nothing again. By this time it was just about noon and I had to get going. I said that I had to go and they asked me to walk slow and stand by the big field near the swamp feeder. I did and didn't see anything but shortly after I got there I did hear 3 shots...I think it was one of our guys, but it didn't sound all that close. All in all, I really had a good time...I was surprised.
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